1.5. Integers#

We provide an axiomatic description of integers and natural numbers. We introduce the set of integers denoted by Z as a set which is equipped with two functions

  • addition (+:Z×ZZ)

  • multiplication (:Z×ZZ)

which satisfy the axioms described below.

1.5.1. Arithmetic Axioms# Closure#

Axiom 1.1 (Closure laws)

If a,bZ then



abZ. Commutativity#

Axiom 1.2 (Commutative laws)

If a,bZ then



ab=ba. Associativity#

Axiom 1.3 (Associative laws)

If a,b,cZ then



(ab)c=a(bc). Distributive Law#

Axiom 1.4 (Distributive law)

If a,b,cZ then



(a+b)c=ac+bc. Identity#

Axiom 1.5 (Additive identity)

There exists an element 0Z such that


for every aZ.

Axiom 1.6 (Multiplicative identity)

There exists an element 1Z with 10 such that


for every aZ. Inverse#

Axiom 1.7 (Additive inverse)

For every aZ, there exists an element xZ such that


x is called the additive inverse of a or the negative of a and is denoted by a.

1.5.2. Implications of Integer Axioms#

Theorem 1.5 (Multiplication by zero)

For any aZ, we have 0a=a0=0.

Proof. Let b=(a0). Then a0+b=0. Now

0+0=0 additive identitya(0+0)=a0 multiplication by aa0+a0=a0 distributive law(a0+a0)+b=a0+b=0 additive inversea0+(a0+b)=0 associative lawa0+0=0 additive inversea0=0 additive identity.

By commutativity, we have


Theorem 1.6 (Multiplication by 1)

For any aZ, we have a=(1)a.

Proof. We start with

0=0a multiplication by zero=[1+(1)]a additive inverse=1a+(1)a distributive law=a+(1)a multiplicative identity.

Adding by a on both sides, we get:

a=(a)+0=(a)+(a+(1)a) additive identitya=(a+a)+(1)a associative lawa=0+(1)a additive inversea=(1)a additive identity.

We can now see that






Theorem 1.7


Proof. We have

(1)(1)+(1)=(1)(1)+(1)1 multiplicative identity=(1)[(1)+1] distributive law=(1)0 additive inverse=0 multiplication by zero.

Adding by 1 on both sides, we get:

[(1)(1)+(1)]+1=0+1=1 additive identity(1)(1)+[(1)+1]=1 associative law(1)(1)+0=1 additive inverse(1)(1)=1 additive identity.

We can now see that

(a)(b)=(1)(a(b))=(1)((1)(ab))=((1)(1))(ab)=1(ab)=ab. Subtraction#

Definition 1.74 (Subtraction)

For any a,bZ, a binary operation :Z×ZZ is defined as


We can see that


In short ab=0a=b.

Similarly we can see that


In short acbc=(ab)c. Similarly, abac=a(bc).

1.5.3. Natural Numbers#

We introduce the natural numbers, denoted as N as a subset of integers that satisfy the following two axioms. Closure#

Axiom 1.8 (Closure axiom of natural numbers)

If a,bN, then a+bN and abN. Trichotomy#

Axiom 1.9 (Law of trichotomy)

For every integer aZ, exactly one of the following is true.

aN or aN or a=0.

The law of trichotomy states that 0 is not a natural number.

The law of trichotomy also implies that for every nonzero integer, its additive inverse is distinct from it since either aN or aN but not both.

Axiomatic description of natural numbers doesn’t say whether 1N or 1N. We prove that 1N in the next result.

Theorem 1.8 (One is a natural number)


Proof. By Axiom 1.9 either 1N or 1N or 1=0.

  1. Since 10, hence either 1N or 1N.

  2. For contradiction assume that 1N.

  3. Since 1N, hence by Axiom 1.8, (1)(1)N.

  4. By Theorem 1.7, we have (1)(1)=1.

  5. Hence 1N.

  6. But since 1N, hence 1N due to Axiom 1.9. A contradiction.

  7. Hence 1N.

  8. Hence we must have 1N.

  9. We can see that this is consistent with Axiom 1.8 since 11=1N.

1.5.4. Order#

Definition 1.75 (Order on integers)

If a,bZ, then we define a<b if and only if baN.

If a<b, then we also write b>a.

Theorem 1.9 (One is greater than zero)


Proof. We have


Hence 1>0.

Theorem 1.10

Let aN. Then a>0.

Proof. Since aN hence


Hence a>0.

Theorem 1.11

Let a,bN. Let c=a+b. Then c>a and c>b.

Proof. We have


Hence ca=bN. Hence c>a. Similarly c>b.

1.5.5. Construction of Integers#

Observation 1.2 (Construction of integers)

We can see that the above axioms are sufficient to construct the entire set of integers. Let us start with assuming that we know nothing about the set of integers except that they satisfy the axioms described above. In particular, we don’t know that 1N or the integers 2,3,4,, exist.

  1. Axiom 1.5 says that there exists an element in Z denoted as 0.

  2. Axiom 1.6 says that there exists an element in Z denoted as 1 such that 10.

  3. Thus, at least two different elements exist in Z namely 0 and 1.

  4. Axiom 1.7 says that there exists an additive inverse 1 of 1 such that (1)+1=1+(1)=0.

  5. We need to show that 1{0,1}.

  6. We must have 01. Otherwise, we would have


    a contradiction.

  7. In Theorem 1.8, we showed that 1N.

  8. By Axiom 1.9 1N.

  9. Hence 11.

  10. Hence 1,0,1 are three distinct numbers belonging to Z.

  11. By Axiom 1.1 a number b=1+1 belongs to Z.

  12. We claim that b{1,0,1}.

    1. By Axiom 1.8, b=1+1N.

    2. Since 0 and 1 are not in N, hence b cannot be either one of them.

    3. For contradiction assume that b=1.

    4. Then

    5. But 01, a contradiction.

    6. Hence b=1+1{1,0,1}.

  13. We assign the label 2 to the distinct integer 1+1. Note that the existence of a number 2 distinct from 1,0,1 has been deduced directly from the axioms. 2 is just a label assigned to this number for convenience.

  14. Then 2Z and 2N,20 due to Axiom 1.9.

  15. We can also show that 21.

  16. Thus, we have five distinct integers 2,1,0,1,2Z.

  17. Continuing in this manner, for every nN, the integer n+1N and n+1 must be distinct from the integers 1,2,,n.

  18. In this sequence, every new integer is a successor of the previous integer. This construction is similar to Peano axioms.

  19. Axiom 1.7 leads to the existence of the negative integers.

This construction shows that closure axiom of natural numbers and law of trichotomy are essential for the construction of integers. Without these laws, there are several other sets which can satisfy the axioms Axiom 1.1 through Axiom 1.7 with an appropriate choice of addition and multiplication functions.

1.5.6. Zero Divisor#

Definition 1.76 (Zero divisor)

We say that an integer a is a zero divisor or divisor of zero if and only if a0 and there exists an integer b0 such that ab=0.

We now show that Z doesn’t contain any zero divisors.

Theorem 1.12 (No zero divisors)

If a,bZ and ab=0 then either a=0 or b=0 or both.

In other words, the set of integers contains no zero divisors.

Proof. Suppose that a,bZ and ab=0. For contradiction assume that a0 and b0.

  1. By law of trichotomy either aN or aN.

  2. Similarly either bN or bN.

  3. Thus, we have 4 possible cases.

We recall that

ab=(a)(b) and(ab)=(a)b=a(b).

We shall consider the four possible cases and arrive at contradiction for each case.

  1. a,bN. Then by closure 0=abN. A contradiction.

  2. aN and bN. Then a(b)=(ab)=0=0N. A contradiction.

  3. aN and bN Then (a)b=(ab)=0=0N. A contradiction.

  4. aN and bN. Then (a)(b)=(ab)=0=0N. A contradiction.

Therefore we must have either a=0 or b=0 whenever ab=0.


The idea of zero divisors becomes important in the theory of rings. While the set of integers doesn’t contain any zero divisors other rings do contain zero divisors. Cancellation Law#

Theorem 1.13 (Cancellation law)

Let a,b,cZ such that c0. If ac=bc then a=b.

Proof. We note that


Since c0 hence by cancellation law ab=0. Which means that a=b.

1.5.7. Partial Order#

Recall from Definition 1.38 that a relation, denoted by , on a set X is said to be a partial order for X (or that X is partially ordered by ) if it satisfies the following properties:

  • xx holds for every xX (reflexivity).

  • If xy and yx, then x=y (antisymmetry).

  • If xy and yz, then xz (transitivity).

Definition 1.77 (Partial order on the set of integers)

For any a,bZ, we say that ab if and only if a<b or a=b.

This relation is a partial order on the set of integers.

Proof. Since a=a for every aZ, hence reflexivity holds.


  1. Let ab and ba.

  2. Assume that ab.

  3. Then, a<b and b<a.

  4. This means baN and abN.

  5. But (ba)=ab.

  6. Hence, they both cannot be in N.

  7. Hence we must have a=b.


  1. Let ab and bc.

  2. Then ba=0 or baN.

  3. Similarly, cb=0 or cbN.

  4. We have ca=(cb)+(ba).

  5. If cb=0 and ba=0 then ca=0.

  6. In all other cases, we have caN.

  7. Hence ca=0 or caN.

  8. Hence c=a or a<c.

  9. Hence ac.

Theorem 1.14 (Total order)

The relation defines a total order on Z. In other words, for every a,bZ, we must have either ab or ba.

Proof. Let a,bZ.

  1. If ab then there is nothing more to say.

  2. Suppose that ab.

  3. Then neither a=b nor a<b.

  4. Hence baN and ba0.

  5. Hence (ba)=abN.

  6. Hence b<a.

  7. Hence ba.

  8. Hence is a total order.

Theorem 1.15 (Implications of order relation)

Let a,b,c,dZ. Then

  1. If a<b, then a±cb±c.

  2. If a<b and c>0 then ac<bc.

  3. If a<b and c<0 then ac>bc.

  4. If 0<a<b and 0<c<d then ac<bd.

  5. If aZ and a0 then a2>0.

1.5.8. Well Ordering Principle#

There are some issues still left with the construction of integers. We don’t know if there is any integer between 0 and 1. The nonexistence of any integer between 0 and 1 cannot be established based on the arithmetic and natural number axioms established so far. Readers can check that the set of rational numbers also satisfy all the axioms stated so far.

This requires another axiom known as the well ordering principle.

Axiom 1.10 (Well ordering principle)

If B is a nonempty subset of Z which is bounded below; i.e., there exists an nZ such that nb for every bB, then B has a smallest element; i.e., there exists b0B such that b0<b for every bB,bb0.

As a consequence every nonempty subset of integers that is bounded above has a largest element.

Theorem 1.16 (Well ordering principle for natural numbers)

Every nonempty set of natural numbers has a least element.

Proof. Let AN.

  1. Since for every aA, we have 0<a, hence A is bounded below by 0.

  2. Hence by well ordering principle, it has a least element.

Theorem 1.17

There is no integer n satisfying 0<n<1.

Proof. Let

B={n|nZ, and 0<n<1}.
  1. Assume for contradiction that B is not empty.

  2. B is bounded below by 0.

  3. By well ordering principle, B has a least element.

  4. Let m be the least element of B.

  5. Then we have 0<m<1.

  6. Since m is an integer hence m2=mm is also an integer.

  7. Since m<1, hence m2<m.

  8. Since 0<m, hence 0<m2.

  9. We have 0<m2<m<1.

  10. Hence m2B.

  11. But this contradicts the fact that m is the smallest element in B.

  12. A contradiction. Hence, B must be empty. Odd and Even Numbers#

Definition 1.78 (Odd and even numbers)

If nZ, then we say that n is even if and only if there exists an integer kZ such that n=2k.

We say that n is odd if and only if there exists kZ such that n=2k+1.

Theorem 1.18

Every integer is either even or odd.

Proof. For contradiction, assume that there is an integer m that is neither even nor odd.

  1. Define the set

    B={nZ|n is even or odd and nm}.
  2. Then B and B is bounded above by m.

  3. Hence B by well ordering principle, B has a largest element.

  4. Let pB be the largest element of B.

  5. Since p is either even or odd and pm hence p<m.

  6. If p is even then p+1 is odd. Since p is the largest element of B, we must have p<m<p+1.

  7. If p is odd then p+1 is even. Since p is the largest element of B, we must have p<m<p+1.

  8. Thus, in both cases, we have

  9. Subtracting p from this inequality, we get

  10. Since m and p are both integers. Hence mp must be an integer too.

  11. But due to Theorem 1.17 there is no integer between 0 and 1. A contradiction.

  12. Therefore every integer must be either odd or even.

Theorem 1.19 (Distinctness of odd and even integers)

There is no integer which is even or odd.

Proof. Let aZ be an integer which is both even and odd.

  1. Then there exist k,lZ such that a=2k and a=2l+1.

  2. Therefore 2k=2l+1.

  3. Hence 2(kl)=1.

  4. Since 1>0 hence by law of trichotomy, k1>0.

  5. Since 2=1+1>1+0=1, hence

  6. Therefore, we have 0<kl<1.

  7. But due to Theorem 1.17 there is no integer between 0 and 1. A contradiction.

  8. Hence a cannot be odd and even simultaneously. Principle of Mathematical Induction#

Well ordering principle is equivalent to the principle of mathematical induction.

Theorem 1.20 (Principle of mathematical induction)

If a subset S of N satisfies the following properties:

  • 1S and

  • nSn+1S,

then S=N.

Proof. We prove this by contradiction.

  1. Assume that SN.

  2. Consider the set T=NS.

  3. Since SN, hence T is nonempty.

  4. By definition T is a subset of natural numbers.

  5. By the well ordering principle Theorem 1.16, T has a smallest number. Let it be t.

  6. A lower bound on N is 1.

  7. Hence 1 is also a lower bound of T.

  8. By hypothesis, 1S.

  9. Hence 1T.

  10. Hence t is of the form k+1 where kN.

  11. Since t is the smallest element of T, hence kT.

  12. Hence kS as by definition N=ST (a disjoint union).

  13. But by hypothesis kS implies t=k+1S.

  14. We arrive at a contradiction that t belongs to both T and S but the two sets are disjoint.

The principle of mathematical induction is applied as follows.

  1. We consider a set

    S{nN|n satisfies P}

    where P is some property that the members of this set satisfy.

  2. We then show that 1 satisfies the property P.

  3. Further, we show that if n satisfies property P, then n+1 also has to satisfy P.

  4. Then, applying the principle of mathematical induction, we claim that S=N.

  5. In other words, every number nN satisfies the property P.

The following is a different version of the principle of mathematical induction.

Theorem 1.21 (Principle of mathematical induction)

Let P(n) be an assertion about the integer n. Assume the following:

  1. The assertion P(n0) is true for some integer n0.

  2. For any integer kn0, if P(k) is true then P(k+1) must also be true.

Then P(n) is true for every integer nn0.

Proof. Consider the set S defined as follows.

S={nN|P(n+n01) is true }.
  1. By hypothesis, P(n0) is true.

  2. P(n0)=P(1+n01).

  3. Hence 1S.

  4. Assume that nS.

  5. Then P(n+n01) is true.

  6. Since nN, hence k=n+n01n0.

  7. By hypothesis P(k+1)=P(n+n0) is also true.

  8. Hence n+1S also holds.

  9. Hence by Theorem 1.20, S=N.

  10. Now, let n be some integer with nn0.

  11. Then nn00.

  12. Hence nn0+11.

  13. Hence nn0+1S=N.

  14. Hence P((nn0+1)+n01)=P(n) is true.

We are done.

Definition 1.79 (Proof by mathematical induction)

Let P be some assertion which is defined for every integer and is either false or true for each integer.

In a proof by mathematical induction:

  1. Some particular integer n0 for which the assertion P(n0) is true is known as the base case.

  2. Proving the statement that P(n)P(n+1) for every nn0 is called the inductive step.

  3. The assumption in the inductive step that P(n) is true for some arbitrary kn0 is called the inductive hypothesis.

See Enumerative Combinatorics for a number of applications of the principle of mathematical induction.

Sometimes we need a stronger form of mathematical induction.

Theorem 1.22 (Strong mathematical induction)

Let P(n) be an assertion about the integer n. Assume the following:

  1. The assertion P(n0) is true for some integer n0.

  2. For any integer kn0, if P(i) is true for every i{n0,,k}; then P(k+1) must also be true.

Then P(n) is true for every integer nn0.

We can call the induction described in Theorem 1.21 as the weak form of mathematical induction.

Proof. We shall prove this result by forming an equivalent problem for which weak induction applies.

  1. Let Q(n) be the assertion that for every i with n0in, P(n) is true.

  2. By hypothesis, Q(n0) is true since P(n0) is true.

  3. Assume that for some kn0, Q(k) is true.

  4. Then by definition of Q, P(i) is true for every i with n0ik.

  5. Then by hypothesis P(k+1) is also true.

  6. But Q(k+1) is true if P(i) is true for every i with n0ik+1.

  7. Hence Q(k+1) is also true.

  8. Thus, for every kn0, Q(k)Q(k+1).

  9. Then by principle of induction (Theorem 1.21), Q(n) is true for every nn0.

  10. Since Q(n) is true for every nn0, hence P(n) is also true for every nn0.

1.5.9. Informal Definitions#

We end this section with the casual descriptions of the set of integers and natural numbers with which we are normally familiar.

Definition 1.80 (Integers)

The set of all integers is the set


Definition 1.81 (Natural numbers)

The set of all natural numbers is the set
