1.2. Sets#

In this section we will review basic concepts of set theory.

Definition 1.1 (Set)

A set is a collection of objects viewed as a single entity.

It is just a working definition which we will use in this book.

  • Sets are denoted by capital letters.

  • Objects in a set are called members, elements or points.

  • xA means that element x belongs to set A.

  • xA means that x doesn’t belong to set A.

  • {a,b,c} denotes a set with elements a, b, and c. Their order is not relevant.

  • {x|property(x)} is a set of elements which satisfy a given property (a predicate or a condition or a rule).

Definition 1.2 (Singleton set)

A set with only one element is known as a singleton set.

Definition 1.3 (Set equality)

Two sets A and B are said to be equal (A=B) if they have precisely the same elements. i.e. if xA then xB and vice versa. Otherwise, they are not equal (AB).

Definition 1.4 (Subset)

A set A is called a subset of another set B if every element of A belongs to B. This is denoted as AB. Formally AB(xAxB).

Remark 1.1

A=B(AB and BA).

Definition 1.5 (Proper subset)

If AB and AB then A is called a proper subset of B denoted by AB.

Definition 1.6 (Empty set)

A set without any elements is called the empty or void set. It is denoted by .

Definition 1.7 (Set operations)

We define fundamental set operations below

  • The union AB of A and B is defined as

AB={x|xA or xB}.
  • The intersection AB of A and B is defined as

AB={x|xA and xB}.
  • The difference AB of A and B is defined as

AB={x|xA and xB}.

Note that, we often use the notation AB for the intersection of A and B.

Definition 1.8 (Disjoint sets)

A and B are called disjoint if AB=.

Some useful identities

  • (AB)C=(AC)(BC).

  • (AB)C=(AC)(BC).

  • (AB)C=(AC)(BC).

  • (AB)C=(AC)(BC).

Definition 1.9 (Symmetric difference)

Symmetric difference between sets A and B is defined as


i.e. the elements which are in A but not in B and the elements which are in B but not in A.

1.2.1. Family of sets#

Definition 1.10 (Family of sets)

A Family of sets is a nonempty set F whose members are sets by themselves.

Definition 1.11 (Families indexed by an index set)

If for each element i of a non-empty set I, a subset Ai of a fixed set X is assigned, then {Ai}iI ( or {Ai|iI} or simply {Ai} denotes the family whose members are the sets Ai. The set I is called the index set of the family and its members are known as indices.

Example 1.1 (Index sets)

Following are some examples of index sets

  • {1,2,3,4}: the family consists of only 4 sets.

  • {0,1,2,3}: the family consists again of only 4 sets but indices are different.

  • N: The sets in family are indexed by natural numbers. They are countably infinite.

  • Z: The sets in family are indexed by integers. They are countably infinite.

  • Q: The sets in family are indexed by rational numbers. They are countably infinite.

  • R: There are uncountably infinite sets in the family.

Remark 1.2

If F is a family of sets, then by letting I=F and Ai=iiI, we can express F in the form of {Ai}iI.

In other words, a family of sets can index itself.

Definition 1.12 (Union of families of sets)

Let {Ai}iI be a family of sets. The union of the family is defined to be

iIAi={x|iI such that xAi}.

In words, every element of the union exists in one of the members of the family.

Definition 1.13 (Intersection of families of sets)

Let {Ai}iI be a family of sets. The intersection of the family is defined to be


In words, every element of the union exists in every member of the family.

We will also use simpler notation Ai, Ai for denoting the union and intersection of family.

If I=N={1,2,3,} (the set of natural numbers), then we will denote union and intersection by i=1Ai and i=1Ai.

Proposition 1.1 (Generalized distributive laws)


Definition 1.14 (Family of pairwise disjoint sets)

A family of sets {Ai}iI is called pairwise disjoint if for each pair i,jI the sets Ai and Aj are disjoint i.e. AiAj=.

Definition 1.15 (Power set)

The set of all subsets of a set A is called its power set and is denoted by P(A).

In the following X is a big fixed set (sort of a frame of reference) and we will be considering different subsets of it.

Remark 1.3 (The subset satisfying a property)

Let X be a fixed set. If P(x) is a property well defined for all xX, then the set of all x for which P(x) is true is denoted by {xX|P(x)}.

Definition 1.16 (Complement of a set)

Let A be a set. Its complement w.r.t. a fixed set X is the set Ac=XA.

Proposition 1.2

Let X be a fixed set, A,B be subsets of X and Ac denote the complement of some subset A of X w.r.t. X.

We have the following results:

  • (Ac)c=A.

  • AAc=.

  • AAc=X.

  • AB=ABc.

  • ABBcAc.

  • (AB)c=AcBc.

  • (AB)c=AcBc.

1.2.2. Ordered Pairs and n-Tuples#

We will introduce the notion of ordered pairs informally following [88].

Definition 1.17 (Ordered pair)

For any two objects a and b, the ordered pair (a, b) is a notation specifying the two objects a and b, in that order.

Property 1.1 (Equality of ordered pairs)

(a1,a2)=(b1,b2)a1=b1 and a2=b2.

A tuple [90] is a finite ordered list of elements. An n-tuple is a sequence (ordered list) of n elements where n is a non-negative integer.

  • A tuple may contain multiple instances of the same element.

  • Tuple elements are ordered.

  • A tuple has a finite number of elements.

Following is an informal definition

Definition 1.18 (n-tuple)

For any n objects a1,a2,,an where nN, the n-tuple (a1,a2,,an) is a notation specifying the n objects in that order.

The 0-tuple () is an tuple containing 0 elements.

Property 1.2 (Equality of n-tuples)

(a1,a2,,an)=(b1,b2,,bn)a1=b1,a2=b2,, and an=bn.

In other words, (a1,,an)=(b1,,bn) if and only if ai=bii=1,,n.

1.2.3. Cartesian Products#

In this section, we restrict our attention to finite Cartesian products. Cartesian product over infinite sets is discussed later.

Definition 1.19 (Binary Cartesian product)

The Cartesian product of the two sets A and B denoted by A×B is the set of all possible ordered pairs of elements where the first element is from A and the second is from B:

A×B{(a,b)|aA and bB}.

Definition 1.20 (Finite Cartesian product)

Similarly, the Cartesian product of a finite family of sets (A1,,An) is written as A1××An and its members are denoted as n-tuples, i.e.:


The sets Ai may be same of different.

Remark 1.4

If A1=A2==An=A, then it is standard to write A1××An as An.

Example 1.2 (An)

Let A={0,+1,1}.

Then A2 is


And A3 is given by


1.2.4. Covers#

Definition 1.21 (Cover)

A family {Ai}iI of subsets of X is said to cover a set A if


Here I is an index set indexing the sets in the family. I could be finite, countable or uncountable.

Example 1.3

  1. The family {[n,n+1]}nZ covers R.

  2. The family {[n1,n]}nN covers R+.

  3. The family {(n1,n+1)}nN covers R++.

Definition 1.22 (Subcover)

If a subfamily of a cover {Ai}iI of A also covers A, then the subfamily is called a subcover.

  • Covers play an important role in the theory of metric spaces. See open covers.