3.3. Boundedness#

Let (X,d) be a metric space.

Definition 3.29 (Boundedness of a set)

A subset AX is called bounded if there exists a number M>0 such that


Definition 3.30 (Boundedness of the metric space)

A metric space (X,d) is called bounded if there exists a number M>0 such that


Even if a metric space (X,d) is unbounded, it is possible to introduce a metric ρ for it which makes the metric space (X,ρ) bounded. See Theorem 3.56 for details.

3.3.1. Diameter#

Definition 3.31 (Diameter)

The diameter of a nonempty subset A of (X,d) is defined as:


A is bounded if its diameter is finite (i.e. the supremum on the R.H.S. exists). Otherwise, it is unbounded.

Remark 3.4

(X,d) is bounded if and only if diamX is finite.

Proposition 3.14

The diameter of an open ball B(x,r) is bounded by 2r.

Proof. Let y,zB(x,r). Then by triangle inequality:


Taking supremum on the L.H.S., we get:


For an example where B(x,r)<2r, see Proposition 3.26.

Proposition 3.15

diamA=0 if and only if A is a singleton set.

Proof. Let A be singleton. Then, A={x}. Then diamA=d(x,x)=0.

For the converse, we proceed as follows:

  1. Let diamA=0.

  2. Assume A is not a singleton.

  3. Then there exist distinct x,yA.

  4. Since xy, hence d(x,y)>0.

  5. But then, diamAd(x,y)>0.

  6. A contradiction.

  7. Hence, A must be a singleton.

Proposition 3.16

If AB, then diamAdiamB.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. Let x,yA.

  2. Then x,yB.

  3. Thus, d(x,y)diamB (by definition).

  4. Taking supremum over all pairs of x,yA in the L.H.S., we get: diamAdiamB.

Proposition 3.17

Let xA and yB. Then d(x,y)diam(AB).

Proof. Since x and y both belong to AB, hence, by definition:


Proposition 3.18

If AB, then


Proof. Let x,yAB.

  1. If both x,yA, then d(x,y)diamA.

  2. If both x,yB, then d(x,y)diamB.

  3. Now, consider the case when xA and yB.

  4. Since AB, we can pick zAB.

  5. Then, by triangle inequality:

  6. Since x,zA, hence d(x,z)diamA.

  7. Since y,zB, hence d(y,z)diamB.

  8. Combining d(x,y)diamA+diamB.

  9. Taking the supremum over all pairs x,yAB,


3.3.2. Characterization of Boundedness#

Theorem 3.29

A set AX is bounded if and only if there exists aX and r>0 such that


In other words, A is bounded if and only if A is contained in an open ball.

Proof. Assume A is bounded.

  1. Let r=diamA.

  2. Fix some aA.

  3. Consider an open ball B(a,r+1).

  4. Consider any xA.

  5. Since r is diameter of A and a,xA, hence d(a,x)r.

  6. Thus, d(x,a)r<r+1.

  7. Thus, xB(a,r+1).

  8. Since x was arbitrary, hence AB(a,r+1).

Now assume that there is some aX and r>0 such that AB(a,r).

  1. Let x,yA. Then, x,yB(a,r).

  2. By triangle inequality

  3. Taking supremum on the L.H.S. over all x,yA, we get diamA2r.

  4. Thus, A is bounded.