18.3. Underdetermined Linear Systems#

The discussion in this section is primarily based on chapter 1 of [30].

  1. Consider a matrix ΦCM×N with M<N.

  2. Define an under-determined system of linear equations:


    where yCM is known and xCN is unknown.

  3. This system has N unknowns and M linear equations.

  4. There are more unknowns than equations.

  5. Let the columns of Φ be given by ϕ1,ϕ2,,ϕN.

  6. Column space of Φ (vector space spanned by all columns of Φ) is denoted by C(Φ); i.e.,

  7. We know that C(Φ)CM.

  8. Clearly ΦxC(Φ) for every xCN.

  9. Thus if yC(Φ) then we have no solution.

  10. But, if yC(Φ) then we have infinite number of solutions.

  11. Let N(Φ) represent the null space of Φ given by

  12. Let x^ be a solution of y=Φx.

  13. Let zN(Φ).

  14. Then

  15. Hence x^+z is also a solution of of the system Φx=y.

  16. Thus the set x^+N(Φ) forms the complete set of infinite solutions to the problem y=Φx where


Example 18.2 (An under-determined system)

As a running example in this section, we will consider a simple under-determined system in R2.

The system is specified by






where x is unknown and y is known. Alternatively


or more simply


The solution space of this system is a line in R2.


Fig. 18.1 An underdetermined system#

Specification of the under-determined system as above, doesn’t give us any reason to pick one particular point on the line as the preferred solution.

Two specific solutions are of interest

  1. (x1,x2)=(4,0) lies on the x1 axis.

  2. (x1,x2)=(0,3) lies on the x2 axis.

In both of these solutions, one component is 0, thus leading these solutions to be sparse.

It is easy to visualize sparsity in this simplified 2-dimensional setup but situation becomes more difficult when we are looking at high dimensional signal spaces. We need well defined criteria to promote sparse solutions.

18.3.1. Regularization#

Are all these solutions equivalent or can we say that one solution is better than the other in some sense? In order to suggest that some solution is better than other solutions, we need to define a criteria for comparing two solutions.

In optimization theory, this idea is known as regularization.

We define a cost function J(x):CNR which defines the desirability of a given solution x out of infinitely possible solutions. The higher the cost, lower is the desirability of the solution.

Thus the goal of the optimization problem is to find a desired x with minimum possible cost.

We can write this optimization problem as

(18.1)#minimizexJ(x)subject to y=Φx.

If J(x) is convex, then its possible to find a global minimum cost solution over the solution set.

If J(x) is not convex, then it may not be possible to find a global minimum, we may have to settle with a local minimum.

A variety of such cost function based criteria can be considered.

18.3.2. 2 Regularization#

One of the most common criteria is to choose a solution with the smallest 2 norm.

The problem can then be reformulated as an optimization problem

(18.2)#minimizexx2subject to y=Φx.

We can see that minimizing x2 is same as minimizing its square x22=xHx; i.e., both functions have exactly the same minimizer under the given constraints.

Hence an equivalent formulation is

minimizexxHxsubject to y=Φx.

Example 18.3 (Minimum 2 norm solution for an under-determined system)

We continue with our running example.

We can write x2 as


With this definition the squared 2 norm of x becomes


Minimizing x22 over all x is same as minimizing over all x1.

Since x22 is a quadratic function of x1, we can simply differentiate it and equate to 0 giving us


This gives us


Thus the optimal 2 norm solution is obtained at (x1,x2)=(1.44,1.92).

We note that the minimum 2 norm at this solution is


It is instructive to note that the 2 norm cost function prefers a non-sparse solution to the optimization problem.

We can view this solution graphically by drawing 2 norm balls of different radii. The ball which just touches the solution space line (i.e. the line is tangent to the ball) gives us the optimal solution.


Fig. 18.2 Minimum 2 norm solution for the under-determined system 3x1+4x2=12}#

All other norm balls either don’t touch the solution line at all, or they cross it at exactly two points.

Remark 18.1 (Least squares via Lagrangian multipliers)

A formal solution to 2 norm minimization problem can be easily obtained using Lagrange multipliers.

We define the Lagrangian


with λCM being the Lagrange multipliers for the (equality) constraint set.

Differentiating L(x) w.r.t. x we get


By equating the derivative to 0 we obtain the optimal value of x as


Plugging this solution back into the constraint Φx=y gives us


In above we are implicitly assuming that Φ is a full rank matrix. Hence ΦΦH is invertible and positive definite.

Putting λ back in the expression for x we obtain the well known closed form least squares solution using pseudo-inverse solution


We would like to mention that there are several iterative approaches to solve the 2 norm minimization problem (like gradient descent and conjugate descent). For large systems, they are more effective than computing the pseudo-inverse.

The beauty of 2 norm minimization lies in its simplicity and availability of closed form analytical solutions. This has led to its prevalence in various fields of science and engineering. But 2 norm is by no means the only suitable cost function. Rather the simplicity of 2 norm often drives engineers away from trying other possible cost functions. In the following, we will look at various other possible cost functions. Convexity#

Convex optimization problems have a unique feature that it is possible to find the global optimal solution if such a solution exists.

The solution space Ω={x:Φx=y} is convex. Thus the feasible set of solutions for the optimization problem (18.1) is also convex. All it remains is to make sure that we choose a cost function J(x) which happens to be convex. This will ensure that a global minimum can be found through convex optimization techniques. Moreover, if J(x) is strictly convex, then it is guaranteed that the global minimum solution is unique. Thus even though, we may not have a nice looking closed form expression for the solution of a strictly convex cost function minimization problem, the guarantee of the existence and uniqueness of solution as well as well developed algorithms for solving the problem make it very appealing to choose cost functions which are convex.

We recall that all p norms with p1 are convex functions. In particular and 1 norms are very interesting and popular where




In the following section we will attempt to find a unique solution to our optimization problem (18.1) using 1 norm.

18.3.3. 1 Regularization#

In this subsection we will restrict our attention to the Euclidean space case where xRN, ΦRM×N and yRM.

We choose our cost function J(x)=x1. The cost minimization problem can be reformulated as

(18.3)#minimizexx1subject to Φx=y.

Example 18.4 (Minimum 1 norm solution for an under-determined system)

We continue with our running example. we can view this solution graphically by drawing 1 norm balls of different radii. The ball which just touches the solution space line gives us the optimal solution.


Fig. 18.3 Minimum 1 norm solution for the under-determined system 3x1+4x2=12#

As we can see from the figure the minimum 1 norm solution is given by (x1,x2)=(0,3).

It is interesting to note that 1 norm solution promotes sparser solutions while 2 norm solution promotes solutions in which signal energy is distributed among all of its components.

It is time to have a closer look at our cost function J(x)=x1. This function is convex yet not strictly convex.

Example 18.5 (|x|1 is not strictly convex)

Consider again xR2. For xR+2 (the first quadrant),


Hence for any c1,c20 and x,yR+2:


Thus, 1-norm is not strictly convex. Consequently, a unique solution may not exist for 1 norm minimization problem.

As an example consider the under-determined system

  1. We can easily visualize that the solution line will pass through points (0,4) and (4,0).

  2. Moreover, it will be clearly parallel with 1-norm ball of radius 4 in the first quadrant.

  3. This gives us infinitely possible solutions to the minimization problem (18.3).

We can still observe that

  • these solutions are gathered in a small line segment that is bounded (a bounded convex set) and

  • There exist two solutions (4,0) and (0,4) among these solutions which have only 1 non-zero component.

For the 1 norm minimization problem since J(x) is not strictly convex, hence a unique solution may not be guaranteed. In specific cases, there may be infinitely many solutions. Yet what we can claim is

  • these solutions are gathered in a set that is bounded and convex, and

  • among these solutions, there exists at least one solution with at most M non-zeros (as the number of constraints in Φx=y).

Theorem 18.1 (Existence of a sparse solution for 1 minimization)

Let S denote the solution set of 1 norm minimization problem (18.3). S contains at least one solution x^ with x^0=M.

Proof. We have the following facts

  • S is convex and bounded.

  • Φx=yxS.

  • Since ΦRM×N is full rank and M<N, hence rankΦ=M.

We proceed as follows.

  1. Let xS be an optimal solution with x0=L>M.

  2. Consider the L columns of Φ which correspond to supp(x).

  3. Since L>M and rankΦ=M hence these columns linearly dependent.

  4. Thus there exists a nonzero vector hRN with supp(h)supp(x) such that

  5. Note that since we are only considering those columns of Φ which correspond to supp(x), hence we require hi=0 whenever xi=0.

  6. Consider a new vector


    where ϵ is small enough such that every element in x has the same sign as x. As long as


    such an x can be constructed.

  7. Note that xi=0 whenever xi=0.

  8. Clearly

  9. Thus x is a feasible solution to the problem (18.3) though it need not be an optimal solution.

  10. But since x is optimal hence, we must assume that 1 norm of x is greater than or equal to the 1 norm of x

  11. Now look at x1 as a function of ϵ in the region |ϵ|ϵ0.

  12. In this region, 1 function is continuous and differentiable (w.r.t. ϵ) since all vectors x+ϵh have the same sign pattern.

  13. If we define y=|x| (the vector of absolute values), then

  14. Since the sign patterns don’t change, hence

  15. Thus

  16. The quantity hTsgn(x) is a constant.

  17. The inequality x1x1 applies to both positive and negative values of ϵ in the region |ϵ|ϵ0.

  18. This is possible only when inequality is in fact an equality.

  19. This implies that the addition / subtraction of ϵh under these conditions does not change the 1 length of the solution.

  20. Thus, xS is also an optimal solution.

  21. This can happen only if

  22. We now wish to tune ϵ such that one entry in x gets zeroed while keeping the solutions 1 length.

  23. We choose i corresponding to ϵ0 (defined above) and pick

  24. Clearly for the corresponding


    the i-th entry is zeroed while others keep their sign and the 1 norm is also preserved.

  25. Thus, we have got a new optimal solution with L1 non-zeros at the most.

  26. It is possible that more than 1 entries get zeroed during this operation.

  27. We can repeat this procedure till we are left with M non-zero elements.

  28. Beyond this we may not proceed since rankΦ=M. Hence we cannot say that corresponding columns of Φ are linearly dependent.

We thus note that 1 norm has a tendency to prefer sparse solutions. This is a well known and fundamental property of linear programming.

18.3.4. 1 Norm Minimization as a Linear Programming Problem#

We now show that (18.3) in RN is in fact a linear programming problem.

Recalling the problem:

minimizexRNx1subject to y=Φx.

Let us write x as uv where u,vRN are both non-negative vectors such that u takes all positive entries in x while v takes all the negative entries in x.

Example 18.6 (x=uv)







Clearly x=uv.

We note here that by definition


i.e., support of u and v are disjoint.

We now construct a vector


We can now verify that




where z0.

Hence the optimization problem (18.3) can be recast as

(18.4)#minimizezR2N1Tzsubject to [ΦΦ]z=yand z0.

This optimization problem has the classic Linear Programming structure since the objective function is affine as well as constraints are affine.

Remark 18.2 (Justification for the equivalence of the linear program)

Let z=[uv] be an optimal solution of the linear program (18.4).

In order to show that the two optimization problems are equivalent, we need to verify that our assumption about the decomposition of x into positive entries in u and negative entries in v is indeed satisfied by the optimal solution u and v. i.e., the support of u and v do not overlap.

  1. Since z0, hence u,v0.

  2. If support of u and v don’t overlap, then we have u,v=0.

  3. And if they overlap then u,v>0.

  4. Now for the sake of contradiction, let us assume that support of u and v do overlap for the optimal solution z.

  5. Let k be one of the indices at which both uk0 and vk0.

  6. Since z0, hence uk>0 and vk>0.

  7. Without loss of generality let us assume that uk>vk>0.

  8. In the equality constraint


    both of these coefficients multiply the same column of Φ with opposite signs giving us a term

  9. Now if we replace the two entries in z by




    to obtain an new vector z, we see that there is no impact in the equality constraint since

  10. Also the nonnegativity constraint


    is satisfied for z.

  11. This means that z is a feasible solution.

  12. On the other hand the objective function 1Tz value reduces by 2vk for z.

  13. This contradicts our assumption that z is the optimal solution.

  14. Hence for the optimal solution of (18.4) we must have

  15. Thus


    is indeed the desired solution for the optimization problem (18.3).