4.14. Affine Sets and Transformations#

Primary references for this section are [9, 17, 67].

In this section V denotes a vector space on some field F which can be either R (real numbers) or C (complex numbers). Much of the section will not require any other structure on the vector space.

Some results in this section are applicable for normed linear spaces or inner product spaces. We shall assume that V is endowed with an appropriate norm :VR or an inner product ,:V×VF wherever applicable.


The notion of lines in a complex vector space may sound very confusing as a complex line is topologically equivalent to a real plane, not a real line. If you are getting lost while reading this section, just think of F as R and visualize everything in a real vector space. The algebraic presentation of affine sets and spaces is equally valid for complex vector spaces.

A key property of R is that R is totally ordered. Hence, the scalars from R can be compared. There is no natural order in C, the field of complex numbers. As you study this section, you will notice that scalar comparison is never needed in the treatment of affine sets, subspaces and transformations in this section.

4.14.1. Lines#

Definition 4.158 (Line)

Let x1 and x2 be two points in V. Points of the form

y=θx1+(1θ)x2 where θF

form a line passing through x1 and x2.

  • at θ=0 we have y=x2.

  • at θ=1 we have y=x1.

We can also rewrite y as


In this definition:

  • x2 is called the base point for this line.

  • x1x2 defines the direction of the line.

  • y is the sum of the base point and the direction scaled by the parameter θ.

  • As θ goes from 0 to 1, y moves from x2 to x1.

Remark 4.29

An alternative notation for the line as a set is x2+F(x1x2) following the notation in Definition 4.25.

4.14.2. Affine Sets#

Definition 4.159 (Affine set)

A set CV is affine if the line through any two distinct points in C lies in C.

In other words, for any x1,x2C, we have θx1+(1θ)x2C for all θF.

Another way to write this is:


Different authors use other names for affine sets like “affine manifold”, “affine variety”, “linear variety” or “flat”.

Example 4.29

The empty set is affine vacuously as it contains no points. Hence, every line passing through the points in is inside it vacuously.

Example 4.30

For any xV, the singleton set {x} is affine vacuously. It contains only one point. Hence, every line passing through two distinct points in {x} is inside it vacuously.

In fact:


Example 4.31

Any line in V is an affine set.

Example 4.32

Any vector space V is affine. It is so since a vector space is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication. Hence, for any two points in the vector space, the line passing through it is contained inside the space.

Theorem 4.164 (Linear subspaces are affine)

The linear subspaces of a vector space V are affine sets containing the zero vector.

Proof. Let W be a linear subspace of V.

  1. Then W contains 0.

  2. Let x,yW.

  3. Then, by linearity, any αx+βyW.

  4. In particular, for some θF, θx+(1θ)wW holds too.

  5. Thus, W is affine.

For the converse, let A be an affine set containing 0.

  1. For any xA and tF,


    since A is affine. Thus, A is closed under scalar multiplication.

  2. Let x,yA. Since A is affine, hence

  3. But then, x+yA holds too since A is closed under scalar multiplication.

  4. Thus, A is closed under vector addition.

  5. Since A is closed under scalar multiplication and vector addition, hence A must be a subspace.

4.14.3. Affine Combinations#

If we denote α=θ and β=(1θ) we see that αx1+βx2 represents a linear combination of points in C such that α+β=1. The idea can be generalized in following way.

Definition 4.160 (Affine combination)

A point of the form x=θ1x1++θkxk where θ1++θk=1 with θiF and xiV, is called an affine combination of the points x1,,xk.

Note that the definition only considers finite number of terms in the affine combination.

It can be shown easily that an affine set C contains all affine combinations of its points.

Theorem 4.165 (Affine set contains affine combinations)

If C is an affine set, x1,,xkC, and θ1++θk=1, then the point x=θ1x1++θkxk also belongs to C.

Proof. We shall call θ1x1++θkxk=i=1kθixi with i=1kθi=1 as k term affine combinations.

Our proof strategy is as follows:

  1. We show that an affine set contains all its 2 term affine combinations.

  2. We then show that if an affine set contains all its k1 term affine combinations then it must contain all its k term affine combinations.

  3. Thus, by principle of mathematical induction, it contains all its affine combinations.

An affine combination of two points is of the form θ1x1+θ2x2 where θ1+θ2=1. By definition an affine set contains all its 2 term affine combinations.

Now, assume that C contains all its k1 term affine combinations.

  1. Consider points x1,,xk1,xkC.

  2. Let θ1,,θk1,θkF such that θ1++θk1+θk=1.

  3. Without loss of generality, assume that θk1. Thus, 1θk0.

  4. Note that θ1++θk1=1θk.

  5. Thus, θ11θk++θk11θk=1.

  6. We can then write:

  7. Note that the term y=i=1k1θi1θkxi is an affine combination of k1 terms.

  8. Thus, by inductive hypothesis, yC.

  9. We are left with

  10. This is a two term affine combination. Since y,xkC, hence xC.

  11. Thus, we established that if C contains its k1 term affine combinations, it contains its k term affine combinations too.

Theorem 4.166

An affine combination of affine combinations is an affine combination.

Proof. Let u=i=1kθixi and v=j=1lλjyj where xi,yjV and θi=1 and λj=1.

We claim that w=γu+(1γ)v is also an affine combination.


Notice that:


Thus, w is an affine combination of the points xi and yj.

We can use the mathematical induction to show that arbitrary affine combinations of affine combinations are affine combinations.

4.14.4. Connection with Linear Subspaces#

Theorem 4.167 (affine - point = linear)

Let C be a nonempty affine set and x0 be any element in C. Then the set


is a linear subspace of V.

To show that V is indeed a linear subspace, we can show that every linear combination of two arbitrary elements in V belongs to V.

Proof. Let v1 and v2 be two elements in V. Then by definition, there exist x1 and x2 in C such that

v1=x1x0 and v2=x2x0.



But since a+1a=1, hence x3=(ax1+x2ax0)C (an affine combination).

Hence av1+v2=x3x0V [by definition of V].

Thus, any linear combination of elements in V belongs to V. Hence, V is a linear subspace of V.

Observation 4.9 (affine = linear + point)

With the previous result, we can use the following notation:


where V is a linear subspace of V and x0V. In other words, a nonempty affine set is a linear subspace with an offset.

We need to justify this notation by establishing that there is one and only linear subspace associated with an affine set. This is done in the next result.

Theorem 4.168 (Uniqueness of associated subspace)

Let C be a nonempty affine set and let x1 and x2 be two distinct elements in C. Let V1=Cx1 and V2=Cx2, then the linear subspaces V1 and V2 are identical.

Proof. We show that V1V2 and V2V1.

  1. Let vV1.

  2. There exists xC such that v=xx1.

  3. Then, v=xx1+x2x2.

  4. Let y=xx1+x2. Note that x,x1,x2C and y is an affine combination of x,x1,x2.

  5. Thus, yC.

  6. We can now write v=yx2.

  7. Thus, vV2 as V2=Cx2.

  8. Thus, V1V2.

  9. An identical reasoning starting with some vV2 gives us V2V1.

  10. Thus, V1=V2.

Thus the subspace V associated with a nonempty affine set C doesn’t depend upon the choice of offset x0 in C.

Corollary 4.30

If an affine set contains 0 then it is a linear subspace.

We have already shown this in Theorem 4.164. This is an alternative proof.

Proof. The linear subspace associated with an affine set C is given by V=Cx0 for any x0V.

In particular, if C contains 0, then


Thus, C is a linear subspace.

4.14.5. Affine Subspaces and Dimension#

Definition 4.161 (Affine subspace)

A nonempty affine set is called an affine subspace. An affine subspace is a linear subspace with an offset.

Another way to express this is as follows. C is an affine subspace of V if:

C and θF,C=θC+(1θ)C.

Definition 4.162 (Affine proper subspace)

An affine subspace A in a vector space V is called a proper subspace if the linear subspace associated with A is a proper subspace of V.

In other words, A is affine, A, and AV.

Definition 4.163 (Affine dimension)

We define the affine dimension of an affine subspace C as the dimension of the associated linear subspace V=Cx0 for some x0C if the subspace V is finite dimensional.

The dimension of (empty affine set) is 1 by convention.

The definition is consistent since V is independent of the choice of x0C.

Example 4.33 (Singletons as affine subspaces)

For any xV, the singleton set {x} can be expressed as


Its corresponding linear subspace is {0} of zero dimension.

Thus, the singleton set has an affine dimension of 0.

Remark 4.30 (Points, lines, planes, flats)

The affine sets of dimension 0, 1 and 2 are called points, lines and planes respectively.

An affine set of dimension k is often called a k-flat.

Example 4.34 (More affine sets)

  • The euclidean space Rn is affine.

  • Any line is affine. The associated linear subspace is a line parallel to it which passes through origin.

  • Any plane is affine. If it passes through origin, it is a linear subspace. The associated linear subspace is the plane parallel to it which passes through origin.

Theorem 4.169

An affine subspace is closed under affine combinations.

Proof. This is from the definition of affine sets and Theorem 4.165.

Observation 4.10 (Affine - affine = Linear)

Let C be an affine subspace. Let V be the linear subspace associated with C given by V=Cx. Then every vector vV can be written as v=yx where yC. Since V doesn’t depend on the choice of x, hence V is the set of all vectors of the form yx where y,xC.

Thus, following the notation in Definition 4.25, we can write V as:


One way to think of affine sets as collections of points in an arbitrary space and the associated linear subspace as the collection of difference vectors between points.

vector ab=point bpoint a.

4.14.6. Affine Hull#

Definition 4.164 (Affine hull)

The set of all affine combinations of points in some arbitrary nonempty set SV is called the affine hull of S and denoted as affS:

affS={θ1x1++θkxk|x1,,xkS and θ1++θk=1}.

Theorem 4.170

An affine hull is an affine subspace.

Proof. Let SV be nonempty. Let T=affS. Let u,vT. Then

u=i=1kθixiand v=j=1lλjyj

where xi,yjS, θi=1 and λj=1.

Then, as shown in Theorem 4.166,


is an affine combination of points xi,yjS.

Thus, wT. Hence, T is an affine set. Since T is nonempty, hence T is an affine subspace.

Theorem 4.171 (Smallest containing affine subspace)

The affine hull of a nonempty set S is the smallest affine subspace containing S. More specifically, let C be any affine subspace with SC. Then affSC.

Proof. Let C be an arbitrary affine subspace such that SC.

  1. From Theorem 4.169, C is closed under affine combinations.

  2. Thus, C contains all affine combinations of points of S.

  3. Thus, affSC.

  4. We established in Theorem 4.170 that affS is an affine subspace.

  5. Thus, it is the smallest affine subspace containing S.

Corollary 4.31 (Affine hull as intersection)

The affine hull of a set is the intersection of all affine subspaces containing it.

Theorem 4.172 (Affine hull of a finite set)

Let S={v0,v1,,vk} be a finite set of vectors from a vector space V. Let A=affS be their affine hull. Then, the linear subspace associated with A is given by


Consequently, the dimension of affS is at most k.

Proof. Since L=Av0, hence v1v0,,vkv0L. Thus, span{v1v0,,vkv0}L.

Now, let vL. Then, there exist t0,,tk with t0++tk=1 such that


But then


Thus, vspan{v1v0,,vkv0}. Thus, Lspan{v1v0,,vkv0}.



Since L is a span of k vectors, hence dimLk. Thus, dimAk.

Theorem 4.173 (Containment)

If AB, then affAaffB.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. By definition, affB contains all affine combinations of points in B.

  2. Thus, it contains all affine combinations of points in A since AB.

  3. But that is affA.

  4. Thus, affAaffB.

Theorem 4.174 (Tight containment)

If ABaffA, then affA=affB.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. Note that affA is an affine set containing B.

  2. But affB is the smallest affine set containing B, hence affBaffA.

  3. But AB implies that affAaffB.

  4. Thus, affA=affB.

4.14.7. Affine Independence#

Definition 4.165 (Affine independence)

A set of vectors v0,v1,,vkV is called affine independent, if the vectors v1v0,,vkv0 are linearly independent.

If the associated subspace has dimension l then a maximum of l vectors can be linearly independent in it. Hence a maximum of l+1 vectors can be affine independent for the affine set.

Definition 4.166 (Affine dependence)

A set of vectors v0,v1,,vkV is called affine dependent, if it is not affine independent. In other words, the vectors v1v0,,vkv0 are linearly dependent.

Theorem 4.175 (Basis for the linear subspace associated with affine independent set)

Let v0,v1,,vkV be a set of affine independent, points in V.

Let S={v0,v1,,vk}. Let A=affS. Let L be the linear subspace associated with A.

Then, v1v0,,vkv0 form a basis for L.

Proof. By definition of affine independence, v1v0,,vkv0 are linearly independent.

By Theorem 4.172


Since, they are linearly independent and span L, hence they form a basis for L.

Theorem 4.176 (Affine independence and dimension)

A set of vectors v0,v1,,vkV is affine independent if and only if their affine hull aff{v0,v1,,vk} is k dimensional.

Proof. Assume v0,v1,,vk to be affine independent.

  1. Then, by Definition 4.165, v1v0,,vkv0 are linearly independent.

  2. Let L=span{v1v0,,vkv0}.

  3. By Theorem 4.172


    since L is a span of k linearly independent vectors.

Now, assume A=aff{v0,v1,,vk} is k dimensional.

  1. By Theorem 4.172, the linear subspace associated with A is given by L=span{v1v0,,vkv0}.

  2. Thus, L is k dimensional since dimL=dimA=k.

  3. But, L is a span of k vectors.

  4. Hence, the k vectors v1v0,,vkv0 must be linearly independent.

[67] defines v0,v1,,vkV as affine independent if their hull is k dimensional. As we can see above, our definition is equivalent.

Theorem 4.177 (Affine independent points in an affine subspace)

Let A be an affine subspace of a vector space V such that dimA=k. Then, it is possible to choose a set of up to k+1 points in A which are affine independent. Any set of k+2 points in A is not affine independent.

Proof. Let L be the subspace associated with A and let v0A be some fixed point of A.

  1. We have dimL=dimA=k.

  2. Choose a basis B={x1,,xk} of L.

  3. Let v1=x1+v0,,vk=xk+v0.

  4. Then, the set of k+1 points v0,v1,,vk are affine independent since v1v0,,vkv0 are linearly independent.

  5. For less than k+1 points, we can choose less than k vectors from the basis B and construct accordingly.

We now show that any set of k+2 points cannot be affine independent.

  1. Let v0,v1,,vk,vk+1 be an arbitrary set of k+2 points in A.

  2. Then, v1v0,,vkv0,vk+1v0L is a set of k+1 points in L.

  3. Since dimL=k, hence any set of k+1 points in L is linearly dependent.

  4. Thus, v0,v1,,vk,vk+1 cannot be affine independent.

Theorem 4.178 (Affine set as an affine hull)

Let A be an affine subspace of a vector space V such that dimA=k. Let {v0,,vk} be a set of k+1 affine independent points of A. Then,


Proof. Let L be the linear subspace associated with A and let


Since A being affine is closed under affine combinations, hence HA.

We now show that AH.

  1. Let vA.

  2. Then, vv0L.

  3. By Theorem 4.175, v1v0,,vkv0 form a basis for L.

  4. Thus,

  5. But then,


    which is an affine combination of {v0,,vk}.

  6. Thus, vH.

  7. Thus, AH.

Theorem 4.179 (Extending an affine independent set of points)

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space with n=dimV. Any set of m+1 affine independent points in V (where m<n) can be extended to a set of n+1 affine independent points.

Proof. Let S={v0,v1,,vm} be a set of m affine independent points.

  1. Let A=affS.

  2. Let L be the linear subspace associated with A.

  3. Let x1=v1v0,,xm=vmv0.

  4. The set {x1,,xm} forms a basis for L.

  5. Extend {x1,,xm} to {x1,,xn} to form a basis for V.

  6. Compute the points vi=xi+v0 for i=m+1,,n.

  7. Then, the set of points {v0,,vn} is an affine independent set since the {x1,,xn} are linearly independent.

4.14.8. Barycentric Coordinate System#

Theorem 4.180 (Unique representation from affine independent points)

Let V be a vector space and v0,v1,,vk be a set of k+1 affine independent points in V.
Let S={v0,v1,,vk}. Let A=affS.

Then, every point in A can be represented uniquely as


such that t0++tk=1.

Proof. By definition of affine hull, any point in the hull A is an affine combination of the points in S. We shall first find a suitable representation as an affine combination of S. Then, we shall prove the uniqueness of such a representation by showing that if the representation is not unique then the points in S cannot be affine independent.

Let L be the linear subspace associated with A. Let x1=v1v0,,xk=vkv0. Then, by Theorem 4.175, the set B={x1,,xk} forms a basis for L.

Let vA. Then, x=vv0L.

Then, there is a unique representation of x in the basis B:




Letting t0=1s1sk and ti=si for i=1,,k we arrive at a representation of v in terms of points in S such that t0++tk=1 and


We now claim that this representation is unique. Suppose, there was another representation


such that r0++rk=1.

Then, we would have:


But, the set {x1,,xk} is linearly independent since v0,v1,,vk are affine independent.

Hence, r1=t1,,rk=tk must be true.

Thus, r0=t0 must be true since r0=1r1rk and t0=1t1tk.

Thus, v has a unique representation in S.

This unique representation can be used to define a coordinate system in an affine set.

Definition 4.167 (Barycentric coordinate system)

Let V be a vector space and v0,v1,,vk be a set of k+1 affine independent points in V.
Let S={v0,v1,,vk}. Let A=affS.

Then, every point in A can be represented uniquely as


such that t0++tk=1. This representation is known as the barycentric coordinate system.

If A is an arbitrary finite dimensional affine subspace of V with dimA=k, then we can select k+1 affine independent points v0,v1,,vkA (thanks to Theorem 4.177). Any such set of k+1 affine independent points of A affords A with a barycentric coordinate system.

4.14.9. Translations#

Definition 4.168 (Translation operator)

Let V be a vector space. An operator Ta:VV is called a translation operator if


where aX is a fixed (translation) vector.

It can be easily seen that Ta(C)=a+C=C+a.

Definition 4.169 (Translate)

Let CV. The translate of C by some aV is defined to be the set C+a.

Observation 4.11 (Translating the vector space)


Translating the whole vector space doesn’t change it.


This follows from the definition of the set vector addition.


The translate of the trivial subspace is a singleton set.

Theorem 4.181 (Affine translate)

A translate of an affine set is affine.

Proof. Let C be affine and aV.

  1. Let x,yC+a.

  2. Then, x=u+a and y=v+a for some u,vC.

  3. Then for some tF,

  4. But w=tu+(1t)vC since C is affine.

  5. Hence, tx+(1t)y=w+aC+a.

  6. Thus, C+a is affine.

Definition 4.170 (Parallel affine sets)

Two affine sets C and D are called parallel to each other if


for some aV. We denote this by CD.

Clearly, every affine set is parallel to its associated linear subspace.

This definition of parallelism is more restrictive as it allows comparing only those affine sets which have the same dimension. Thus, we cannot compare a line with a plane.

Every point is parallel to every other point.

Theorem 4.182 (Parallelism equivalence relation)

Consider the class of all affine subsets of a vector space V. The relation CD is an equivalence relation.

Proof. [Reflexivity]

  1. C=C+0.

  2. Hence CC.


  1. Let CD.

  2. Then, there exists aV such that D=C+a.

  3. But then, C=D+(a).

  4. Thus, DC.


  1. Let CD and DE.

  2. Then, D=C+a and E=D+b for some a,bV.

  3. But then, E=C+(a+b).

  4. Thus, CE.

Theorem 4.183 (Existence and uniqueness of a parallel linear subspace)

Every affine subspace (nonempty affine set) A is parallel to a unique subspace. The subspace is given by:


This result is a restatement of Observation 4.10.

Proof. From Theorem 4.168, there is a unique linear subspace L associated with A given by L=Aa for some aA.

Since A=L+a hence, A and L are parallel to each other.

Two linear subspaces are parallel to each other only if they are identical. Thus, L is the unique linear subspace parallel to A.

Now, notice that:


But L=Aa for any aA as L is independent of the choice of aA.



Thus, the unique linear subspace parallel to A is given by W=AA.

4.14.10. Affinity Preserving Operations#

We discuss some operations which preserve the affine character of its inputs Intersection#

Theorem 4.184 (Intersection of affine sets)

If S1 and S2 are affine sets then S1S2 is affine.

Proof. Let x1,x2S1S2. We have to show that


Since S1 is affine and x1,x2S1, hence






Thus, S1S2 is affine.

We can generalize it further.

Theorem 4.185 (Intersection of arbitrary collection of affine sets)

Let {Ai}iI be a family of sets such that Ai is affine for all iI. Then iIAi is affine.

Proof. Let x1,x2 be any two arbitrary elements in iIAi.

x1,x2iIAix1,x2AiiItx1+(1t)x2AitFiI since Ai is affine tx1+(1t)x2iIAi.

Hence iIAi is affine.

4.14.11. Hyper Planes#

Recall from Definition 4.87 that a set of the form:


where f is a nonzero linear functional on V and aF is called a hyperplane.

Theorem 4.186

Every hyperplane is affine.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. Let x,yHf,a.

  2. Then, f(x)=a and f(y)=a.

  3. Consider any tF and let z=tx+(1t)y.

  4. Then, due to linearity of f,

  5. Thus, zHf,a.

  6. Thus, Hf,a is an affine set.

Theorem 4.187 (Linear subspace parallel to a hyperplane)

Let H be a hyperplane given by


where f is a nonzero linear functional on V and aF.

Then, the linear subspace parallel to H is given by the kernel of the linear functional f:


Proof. Let V be the linear subspace parallel to H.

  1. Then, any vV can be written as v=xy for some x,yH.

  2. But then,

  3. Thus, vL and hence VL.

For the converse, we proceed as follows.

  1. Let vL and xH.

  2. Let y=xv.

  3. Then, f(y)=f(x)f(v)=a0=a.

  4. Thus, yH.

  5. Thus, v=xy where x,yH.

  6. Thus, vHH=V.

  7. Thus, LV.

Combining, L=H.

Theorem 4.188 (Dimension of a hyperplane)

Let H be a hyperplane given by


where f is a nonzero linear functional on V and aF.

If V is finite dimensional, then


Proof. From Theorem 4.187, the linear subspace parallel to H is given by


From Theorem 4.99, the dimension of the kernel of a linear functional in a finite dimensional vector space is given by:


From Definition 4.163,


Theorem 4.189 (Hyperplanes in inner product spaces)

If V is an inner product space over F, then a set of the form


where aV is a nonzero vector and bF; is a hyperplane.

Moreover, every hyperplane of V can be represented in this form, with a and b unique up to a common non-zero multiple.

Proof. By Theorem 4.102, the mapping Ta:VF defined by:


is a linear functional. Thus, H is a hyperplane.

By Theorem 4.104, every linear functional can be identified as an inner product with a vector aV. Thus, every hyperplane can be written as


This representation is not unique since the set


is identical to H for any tF such that t0.

Theorem 4.190 (Affine = Intersection of hyperplanes)

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Then, every proper affine subset of V is a finite intersection of hyperplanes.

Proof. If C=, we can choose any two non-intersecting parallel hyperplanes and C is their intersection.

Let C be a proper affine subspace of V such that 1dimC<dimV.

  1. Let L be the linear subspace parallel to C.

  2. Then C=L+a for some fixed aC.

  3. Let n=dimV and m=dimL.

  4. Since L is a proper subspace of V hence m<n.

  5. Let {x1,,xm} be a basis for L.

  6. Then, every vC can be written as:

  7. We can extend this basis to construct a basis {x1,,xn} for V.

  8. We can construct a dual basis for the dual space V. For each i=1,,n, define a linear functional fi:VF by setting:

    fi(xj)={1 if i=j0 if ij.
  9. Let ai=fi(a).

  10. Consider a family of hyperplanes defined as:


    where i=m+1,,n.

  11. Consider their intersection

  12. We claim that C=H.

We shall first show that CH.

  1. Let vC.

  2. Then, v=j=1mtjxj+a.

  3. Then, fi(v)=j=1mtjfi(xj)+fi(a)=ai for i=m+1,,n.

  4. Thus, vHi for every i=m+1,,n.

  5. Thus, vH.

  6. Thus, CH.

We now show that HC. Note that this is same as showing HaL=Ca.

  1. Let vHa.

  2. Hence, v=xa such that xH.

  3. We can write v in terms of the basis {x1,,xn} as

  4. Then fi(v)=ti (by definition of fi).

  5. But, for any i[m+1,,n]


    since xHHi.

  6. Thus, ti=0 for every i=m+1,,n.

  7. Thus,

  8. Thus, vL since {x1,,xm} is a basis for L.

  9. Thus, HaL.

  10. Thus, HL+a=C.

Combining these observations, we have H=C.

We are now left with the case of singleton sets C={a} where dimC=0 since the associated linear subspace is {0}.

  1. Choose any basis B={x1,,xn} for V.

  2. Construct a dual basis F={f1,,fn} for V as before.

  3. Let ai=fi(a) for i=1,,n.

  4. Consider a family of hyperplanes defined as:


    where i=1,,n.

  5. Consider their intersection

  6. Now, it is straightforward to show that H={a}=C.

Corollary 4.32 (Affine sets in inner product space)

Let V be a finite dimensional inner product space over field F. Let A be a proper affine subset of V.

Then, there exist r (where r<dimV) nonzero vectors aiV and scalars biF such that A is the intersection of the hyperplanes given by




Proof. It follows from Theorem 4.190 that A is a finite intersection of hyperplanes with r<n where n=dimV.

Since V is an inner product space, hence, due to Theorem 4.189, each hyperplane can be represented as


where aiV and biF.

Procedure to select the hyperplane parameters.

  1. Pick a vector aA.

  2. Identify the linear subspace L=Aa.

  3. Pick an orthonormal basis for L: {v1,,vm}.

  4. Extend the orthonormal basis to V.

  5. Pick the basis vectors for L: {a1,,ar} with m+r=n.

  6. Compute bi=a,ai.

4.14.12. Linear Equations#

Example 4.35 (Solution set of linear equations)

We show that the solution set of linear equations forms an affine set.

Let C={x|Ax=b} where AFm×n and bFm.

Let C be the set of all vectors xFn which satisfy the system of linear equations given by Ax=b. Then C is an affine set.

Let x1 and x2 belong to C. Then we have

Ax1=b and Ax2=b



Thus, C is an affine set.

The subspace associated with C is nothing but the null space of A denoted as N(A).

Every affine set of Fn can be expressed as the solution set of a system of linear equations. If the system of equations is infeasible, then its solution set is . Otherwise, its solution set is an affine subspace. If the system of equations has a unique solution, then the solution set is a singleton set which is an affine subspace of dimension 0.

Theorem 4.191 (Affine set = system of linear equations in Fn)

Let bFm. Let A be an m×n matrix in Fm×n. Consider the solution set of the system of linear equations Ax=b:


Then, C is an affine set.

Moreover, every affine set in Fn can be represented as a system of linear equations.

Proof. If C= (i.e., the system of equations is infeasible), then C is affine (since empty sets are affine by definition).

If the system of equations has a unique solution, then C={v} where v is the unique solution of the system of equations, then C is affine since singleton sets are affine.

We now consider the case that the system of equations has more than one solutions.

Let x1,x2C be distinct solutions of the system of linear equations and let tF. Then,

Ax1=b and Ax2=b

Consider x=tx1+(1t)x2. Then,


This means that xC. Thus, C contains all its affine combinations. Hence, C is affine.

We next show that every affine set of Fn can be represented as a system of linear equations. Note that Fn is an inner product space with the standard inner product given by x,y=yx.

Let C be an arbitrary affine set in Fn.

  1. If C=, we can pick any infeasible system of linear equations as a representation of C.

  2. If C={v} is a singleton, we can pick the system Ix=v where I is an identity matrix in Fn×n.

  3. If C=Fn, we can choose A to be any m×n zero matrix and b=0Fm. Then, the solution set of Ox=0 is all of Fn.

  4. We shall now consider the case of affine C with more than one elements and CFn (proper subset).

  5. Let L be the subspace parallel to C (Theorem 4.183).

  6. Let L be the orthogonal complement of L.

  7. Let B={v1,,vm} be a basis for L (where m<n).

  8. Since Fn is finite dimensional, hence L=(L) (Theorem 4.88).

  9. Thus, due to Theorem 4.84,

  10. Thus,


    where A is the m×n matrix whose rows are v1,,vm.

  11. Since C is parallel to L, there exists an aFn such that


    where b=Aa.

4.14.13. Affine Transformations#

Definition 4.171 (Affine transformation)

Let X and Y be vector spaces (on some field F). A (total) function T:XY is called an affine transformation if for every x,yX and for every tF


An affine transformation is also known as an affine function or an affine operator.

An affine transformation preserves affine combinations. An affine combination in input leads to an identical affine combination in output. Relation with Linear Transformations#

We next show that a linear transformation followed by a translation is affine.

Theorem 4.192 (Linear + Translation Affine)

Let X and Y be vector spaces (on some field F). Let L:XY be a linear transformation and let aY. Define T:XY as


Then, T is an affine transformation.

Proof. Let x,yX and tF. Then


Thus, T is affine.

We now prove a stronger result that every affine function is a linear transformation followed by a translation.

Theorem 4.193 (Affine = Linear + Translation)

Let X and Y be vector spaces (on some field F). Let T:XY be some mapping. Then, T is affine if and only if the mapping xT(x)T(0) is linear.

In other words, an affine transformation can be written as a linear transformation followed by a translation and vice-versa.

Proof. Define:


Notice that L(0)=T(0)T(0)=0. Thus, L maps zero vector from X to the zero vector of Y.

We need to show that

L linear T affine.

We shall show it in two steps.

  1. Show that if T is affine, then L must be linear.

  2. Show that if L is linear, then T must be affine.

Assume T to be affine. We shall show that L is linear.

Let x,yX and tF.

[Scalar multiplication]


[Vector addition]


Thus, L is linear. Here, we used the fact that L(2x)=T(2x)T(0) and L was already shown to be homogeneous above giving L(2x)=2L(x).

Now, assume L to be linear. We shall show that T is affine.

Let x,yX and tF. Then


Thus, T is affine. Affine Combinations and Hulls#

We show that affine functions distribute over arbitrary affine combinations.

Theorem 4.194 (Affine functions on affine combinations)

Let X and Y be vector spaces on a field F. Let T:XY be affine.

Let x0,x1,,xkX and t0,t1,,tkF such that i=0kti=1. Then,


Proof. Define:


We know that L is linear. We have T(x)=L(x)+T(0).



Theorem 4.195 (Preservation of affine hulls)

Let X and Y be vector spaces on a field F. Let T:XY be affine. Let SX. Then,


i.e., the affine hull of T(S) is same as T(A) where A is the affine hull of S.

Proof. We first show that affT(S)T(affS)

  1. Let yaffT(S).

  2. Then, there exist y0,,ykT(S) and t0,,tkF such that i=0kti=1 and

  3. But then, yi=T(xi) for some xiS for every i=0,,k since yiT(S).

  4. Then, due to Theorem 4.194


    since T preserves affine combinations.

  5. But, x=i=0ktixiaffS since xiS and x is their affine combination.

  6. Thus, y=T(x) where xaffS.

  7. Thus, yT(affS).

  8. Thus, affT(S)T(affS).

We now show that T(affS)affT(S).

  1. Let yT(affS).

  2. Then, there exists xaffS such that y=T(x).

  3. Then, there exist x0,,xkS and t0,,tkF such that i=0kti=1 and

  4. Then, due to Theorem 4.194


    since T preserves affine combinations.

  5. Let yi=T(xi) for i=0,,m.

  6. Since xiS, hence yiT(S).

  7. Then,

  8. But then, y is an affine combination of points in T(S).

  9. Thus, yaffT(S).

  10. Thus, T(affS)affT(S).

Combining these results:

T(affS)=affT(S). Invertible Affine Transformations#

Theorem 4.196 (Affine invertible = linear invertible)

An affine map is invertible if and only if its corresponding linear map as described in Theorem 4.193 is invertible.

The translation map is invertible. Composition of invertible maps is invertible. Since affine is composition of linear with translation hence affine is invertible if linear is invertible. Similarly, linear is also a composition of affine with translation. Hence, linear is invertible if affine is invertible.

Proof. Formally, let X and Y be vector spaces on a field F. Let T:XY be an affine map. Let L:XY be the linear map given by:


Let T(0)=a and write

T(x)=L(x)+a and L(x)=T(x)a.

Define a parameterized translation map Gv:YY as:


Note that the inverse of the translation operator is given by:


which is another translation operator. Thus, all translation operators are invertible.


L=GaT and T=GaL.

Clearly, if T is invertible then so is L and if L is invertible then so is T.

Theorem 4.197 (Inverse of affine map is affine)

Let X and Y be vector spaces on a field F. Let T:XY be an affine map. If T is invertible, then its inverse is also an affine map.

Proof. We are given that T is affine and its inverse exists. Let S:YX be the inverse of T. We need to show that S is affine.

Since T is invertible, it is bijective.

  1. Let y1,y2Y and tF.

  2. Then, there exist x1,x2X such that


    and x1x2.

  3. Since S=T1, hence S(y1)=x1 and S(y2)=x2.

  4. Let y=ty1+(1t)y2 and x=tx1+(1t)x2.

  5. Then


    since T is affine.

  6. Thus, T(x)=y.

  7. Consequently, S(y)=x.

  8. But then,


We have shown that for any y1,y2Y and tF,


Therefore, S is affine. Affine Mapping between Affine Sets#

Theorem 4.198 (Affine mapping between affine independent sets)

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space with n=dimV. Let {a0,,am} and {b0,,bm} be two affine independent sets in V where mn. Then, there exists an invertible affine map, T:VV such that Tai=bi for i=0,,m. If m=n, then T is unique.

Proof. If m=0; i.e., we need to find a mapping between {a0} and {b0}, then we can choose any affine map


where A:VV is a linear map. Now consider the case where 1mn.

By Theorem 4.179, we can extend {a0,,am} to an affine independent set {a0,,an} and similarly {b0,,bm} to {b0,,bn}.

Both of these sets span the entire V (as affine hull).

The sets Ba={a1a0,,ana0} and Bb={b1b0,,bnb0} are two different bases for V.

Then, there exists a unique linear transformation A:VV which carries Ba to Bb; i.e.


Now, consider the affine map given by


where b0A(a0) is a fixed translation.



Thus, T is the desired affine transformation.

If m=n, then the linear transformation A is uniquely determined by the bases Ba and Bb which are given. Thus, T is unique too.

Corollary 4.33 (Affine mapping between affine sets)

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space with n=dimV. Let A and B be two affine subspaces of V of the same dimension; i.e., dimA=dimB=m where mn. Then, there exists a bijective affine transformation T:VV such that T(A)=B.

Proof. If both A and B are singletons given by A={a} and B={b}, then any affine transformation given by


where A:VV is a linear transformation will do.

For 1mn, by Theorem 4.177 we can choose m+1 affine independent points {a0,,am} and {b0,,bm} in A and B respectively such that

A=aff{a0,,am} and B=aff{b0,,bm}

as per Theorem 4.178.

Then, by Theorem 4.198, an affine mapping T:VV exists which maps ai to bi. Since affine mappings preserve affine hulls (Theorem 4.195), hence

T(A)=B. Graph#

Theorem 4.199 (Graph of an affine map is affine)

Let X and Y be vector spaces on a field F. Let T:XY be an affine map. Let XY be the direct sum of X and Y.

Let GXY be the graph of T given by


Then, G is an affine subset of XY.

In other words, graph of an affine map is affine.

Proof. If y=T(x) then z=(x,y)G.

Now, let z1,z2G and tF.

  1. z1=(x1,y1) such that y1=T(x1).

  2. z2=(x2,y2) such that y2=T(x2).

  3. Let z=tz1+(1t)z2.

  4. Then,

  5. Since T is affine, hence

  6. Thus, z=(tx1+(1t)x2,ty1+(1t)y2)G.

  7. Thus, G is closed under affine combinations.

  8. Thus, G is affine.

As an implication, we can see that the graph of a linear map must be an affine set too since every linear map is an affine map. But a linear map maps 0x to 0y. Thus, its graph contains the origin (0x,0y) of XY. Thus, the graph of a linear map must be a subspace of XY.

4.14.14. Topology in Normed Spaces#

We next consider the special case of a vector space V endowed with a norm :VR, which induces a metric d:V×VR given by:


V equipped with this metric becomes a metric space and is endowed with a metric topology. Useful topological properties of affine sets and transformations are discussed below.

Readers are encouraged to review the material in Normed Linear Spaces before proceeding further as the results presented here develop on the material presented in that section.

Our discussions are restricted to finite dimensional normed linear spaces as linear subspaces are closed (Theorem 4.64) and linear transformations are continuous (Theorem 4.63) in the finite dimensional spaces. Affine Sets#

Theorem 4.200 (Affine sets are closed)

Every affine subset of a finite dimensional normed linear space V is a closed set.

Proof. and V are closed by definition. Singletons {x} are closed due to Theorem 3.8.

All other affine sets are translations of a linear subspace.

  1. By Theorem 4.64, linear subspaces are closed in a finite dimensional normed linear space.

  2. By Theorem 4.46, translations preserve closed sets.

  3. Hence, affine sets of dimension greater than zero which are translates of the linear subspaces are also closed.

Theorem 4.201

Every proper affine subspace of a normed linear space V has an empty interior.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. By Corollary 4.10, every proper linear subspace of V has an empty interior.

  2. A proper affine subspace is a translate of a proper linear subspace.

  3. By Theorem 4.46, if a set has an empty interior, then so does its translate.

Theorem 4.202 (Affine hull and closure)

Let V be a finite dimensional normed linear space. Let CV. Then,


Proof. Since CclC, hence affCaff(clC).

  1. Let A=affC.

  2. By Theorem 4.200, A is closed.

  3. By definition clC is the smallest closed set that contains C.

  4. By Proposition 3.6, any closed set that contains C also contains clC.

  5. Thus, clCaffC.

  6. Now, affC is an affine set.

  7. By definition, the affine hull is the smallest affine set that contains a set.

  8. Hence, aff(clC)affC.

Together, we have:

aff(clC)=affC. Affine Transformations#

Theorem 4.203 (Affine transformations from finite dimensional spaces are continuous)

Let (V,v) and (W,w) be normed linear spaces. Let T:VW be an affine transformation.

If V is finite dimensional, then T is continuous.

Proof. We can write T as the composition of a linear transformation followed by a translation.

  1. By Theorem 4.63, the linear transformation is continuous since V is finite dimensional.

  2. By Theorem 4.45, translations are continuous.

  3. By Theorem 3.46, composition of continuous functions is continuous.

  4. Hence, T is continuous.

Theorem 4.204 (Affine transformation and closure)

Let (V,v) and (W,w) be normed linear spaces. Let T:VW be an affine transformation.

Assume that V is finite dimensional. Let AV. Then,


Proof. By Theorem 4.203, T is continuous.

By Theorem 3.42 (4)


holds true for every subset A of V.

Recall from Definition 3.64 that a real valued function is closed if every sublevel set is closed.

Theorem 4.205 (Real valued affine functions are closed)

Let (V,) be an n-dimensional normed linear space. Let T:VR be an affine function. Then, T is closed.

Proof. 1. By Theorem 4.203, f is continuous.

  1. Let aR.

  2. The sublevel set for a is given by Sa={xV|T(x)a}.

  3. This is nothing but T1(,a].

  4. The set (,a] is a closed set.

  5. Since T is continuous, hence T1(,a] is also closed.

  6. Thus, Sa is closed for every aR.

  7. Thus, T is closed. Affine Homeomorphisms#

Theorem 4.206

Let V be a finite dimensional normed linear space. A bijective affine transformation T:VV is a homeomorphism.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. By Theorem 4.203, T is continuous.

  2. Since T is bijective, hence, T1 exists.

  3. By Theorem 4.197, T1 is affine.

  4. Again, by Theorem 4.203, T1 is continuous.

  5. Thus, T is a homeomorphism.

Theorem 4.207

Let V be a finite dimensional normed linear space. A bijective affine transformation T:VV preserves closures.

In other words, for any AV:


Proof. By Theorem 4.206, T is a homeomorphism.

By Theorem 3.51, homeomorphisms preserve closures.

Thus, for any AV


Theorem 4.208

Let V be a finite dimensional normed linear space. A bijective affine transformation T:VV preserves interiors.

In other words, for any AV:


Proof. By Theorem 4.206, T is a homeomorphism.

By Theorem 3.52, homeomorphisms preserve interiors.

Thus, for any AV


4.14.15. Real Valued Affine Functions#

In this subsection, we look at affine functions from a vector space V to the real line R.

Theorem 4.209 (Level sets of real valued affine functions)

Let V be a vector space. Let h:VR be an affine function. Then, for any cR, the set h1(c) is an affine set where


Proof. We are given that h:VR is affine.

  1. Let cR.

  2. If h1(c) is empty, then it is affine and there is nothing to prove. So assume that it is nonempty.

  3. Let x,yh1(c).

  4. Thus, h(x)=h(y)=c.

  5. Let tF.

  6. Let z=tx+(1t)y.

  7. Then, by affine nature of h

  8. Thus, zh1(c).

  9. Thus, for any x,yh1(c) and tF, z=tx+(1t)yh1(c).

  10. Thus, h1(c) is an affine set.