9.16. Subgradients#
Primary references for this section are [7, 9].
Throughout this section, we assume that
9.16.1. Subgradients#
Definition 9.72 (Subgradient)
This inequality is known as the subgradient inequality.
Here, we assume that
As discussed in Theorem 4.106,
the vector spaces
In the arguments below
Observation 9.9 (Global affine underestimator)
is a global affine underestimator for
Observation 9.10 (Subgradient inequality alternative form)
For Geometric Interpretation#
Observation 9.11 (Subgradient and supporting hyperplane)
For any
, we must haveThen
is a subgradient of at .
Now let
.Then we have
Rearranging the terms, we have
for every
.Then the hyperplane
is indeed a supporting hyperplane for
.The normal vector for this hyperplane is
and it passes through the point .
9.16.2. Subdifferential#
At a point
Definition 9.73 (Subdifferential set)
For all
Theorem 9.210 (Subdifferential of norm at origin)
This reduces to:
Maximizing both sides of this inequality over the set
We now show that
Thus, if
Thus, the vectors that satisfy the subgradient inequality are exactly the
same as those in
The subdifferential of a function
Definition 9.74 (Subdifferentiability)
A proper function
Definition 9.75 (Domain of subdifferentiability)
The set of points at which a proper function Closedness and Convexity#
Theorem 9.211 (Closedness and convexity of the subdifferential set)
Proof. Let
Note that
It is easy to see that
Thus, Subdifferentiability and Convex Domain#
Theorem 9.212 (Subdifferentiability + Convex domain
In other words:
Proof. Let
is convex, hence .By hypothesis,
is subdifferentiable at .Thus, there exists
.By subgradient inequality (9.7)
Multiplying the first inequality by
, second by and adding, we get:Thus,
holds true for any
and any .Thus,
is convex.
A convex function need not be subdifferentiable at every point in its domain. The problem usually occurs at the boundary points of the domain if the domain is not open. Positive Scaling#
Theorem 9.213 (Multiplication by a positive scalar)
Proof. Let
By subgradient inequality (9.7)
Multiplying by
, we get:Thus,
.It is easy to see the same argument backwards to show that
9.16.3. Proper Convex Functions#
In this subsection, we discuss the properties of the subdifferential sets for proper convex functions.
A proper convex function may not be subdifferentiable at every point in its domain. However, it is indeed subdifferentiable at the interior points and relative interior points of its domain. Nonemptiness and Boundedness at Interior Points#
Theorem 9.214 (Nonemptiness and boundedness of the subdifferential at interior points)
In other words, for a proper convex function, the subdifferential at the interior points of its domain is nonempty and bounded. We have
Proof. Outline of the proof
Identify a supporting hyperplane for the epigraph of
at .Make use of the local Lipschitz continuity of the convex function at its interior points.
Show that the normal to the supporting hyperplane leads to a subgradient at
.Show that the subgradients are bounded by using the local Lipschitz continuity inequality and the subgradient inequality.
Consider the direct sum
vector space
is convex, hence is convex.For some
, consider the point .Since
is convex, hence .By supporting hyperplane theorem, there exists a vector
such thatWe shall show that
must hold true and is indeed a subgradient at .We note that,
. Putting it in,Thus,
.Recall from Theorem 9.174 that
is locally Lipschitz continuous at .Thus, there exists
and such that andSince
, hence for every .Plugging
in the supporting hyperplane inequality, we getRearranging the terms,
Using the local Lipschitz property,
Recall that the dual norm for
is given byLet
with be the vector at which the supremum is attained.Then,
(since is real).Since
is a unit vector, hence .Plugging
in the inequality above, we getSimplifying
This means that
must be true.If
, then this inequality would require .But
is a nonzero vector describing the supporting hyperplane.
Going back to the supporting hyperplane inequality and putting
, we haveRearranging the terms, we get
and dividing on both sides by (which is positive), we obtainRearranging again
which is the subgradient inequality.
is nonempty.
We next show the boundedness of
such that andLet
.Applying the subgradient inequality on
, we get:Thus,
for every .Thus,
is bounded.
Corollary 9.19 (Subdifferentiability of real valued convex functions)
Proof. We have
. is open in .Thus,
.By Theorem 9.214,
is nonempty and bounded as .Hence,
is subdifferentiable at .Since this is valid for every
, hence . Nonempty, Convex and Compact Subdifferentials#
Theorem 9.215 (Nonempty, convex and compact subdifferentials for proper convex functions)
Proof. Let
By Theorem 9.211,
is closed and convex.By Theorem 9.214,
is nonempty and bounded.Since
is closed and bounded, hence it must be compact since is a finite dimensional normed linear space.
We present an alternative proof based on the min common/max crossing framework developed in Min Common/Max Crossing Duality. This proof can be skipped in first reading.
Proof. This proof is based on the second min common/max crossing theorem Theorem 10.34.
We fix some
We first consider the min common problem.
Note that
since .Further see that the min common value
is finite.Note that
where is convex.Let
and let .Let
.We have
and .Now
is convex.
Next consider the max crossing problem and strong duality.
We have
The set of optimal solutions of the max crossing problem is given by
For some
, we can attain strong duality withif and only if
But this is nothing but the subgradient inequality with
as the subgradient at .In other words, strong duality is attained at
as a solution of the max crossing problem if and only if is a subgradient of .Hence
with strong duality is given by .
We next establish the conditions for the second min common/max crossing theorem Theorem 10.34
Consider the set
It is easy to see that
.Consider the set
.Hence for every
, .Hence
for every .Hence
, hence .We see that all the conditions of the second min common/max crossing theorem are satisfied.
is finite. is convex.The set
contains in its interior.
is nonempty, convex and compact.Hence
is also nonempty, convex and compact. Subgradients over a Compact Set#
Theorem 9.216 (Subgradients over a compact set are nonempty and bounded)
is nonempty and bounded.
Proof. We are given that
For any
, by Theorem 9.214, is nonempty and bounded.Thus,
is nonempty.
We next prove that
. is closed and is closed. . Hence, .Since
is compact and is closed and , hence distance between and is nonzero due to Theorem 3.128.Thus,
. is a closed and bounded set. Hence, it is compact due to Theorem 4.66.Let
. Then .Let
.Then, there is
and such that .Thus,
Since both
and are compact, hence is compact due to Theorem 4.67.By Theorem 9.174,
is local Lipschitz continuous at every since .Then, by Theorem 3.79,
is Lipschitz continuous on .Thus, there exists
such thatLet
. Then, there is such that .we can choose
such thatNow, let
. Then, . .Thus,
since .
since and .Consequently, by Lipschitz continuity
By subgradient inequality at
Using the Lipschitz bound above, we get
was chosen arbitrarily, hence is bounded.
We recall from Definition 9.56 that the relative interior of a convex set is given by
It is interior of the convex set w.r.t. the subspace topology of its affine hull. Nonempty Subdifferential at Relative Interior Points#
Theorem 9.217 (Nonemptiness of the subdifferential at relative interior points)
In other words, for a proper convex function, the subdifferential at the relative interior points of its domain is nonempty. We have
The proof is based on the min common/max crossing framework developed in Min Common/Max Crossing Duality. It can be skipped in first reading. It follows the proof of Theorem 9.215.
Proof. This proof is based on the second min common/max crossing theorem Theorem 10.34.
We fix some
We have already established the following in the proof of Theorem 9.215:
is convex. . . is finite. where .When the strong duality holds, then
The set
Continuing further
, hence .Hence
.Hence by the second min common/max crossing theorem
is a nonempty, convex and compact set.Negating on both sides, we obtain
is a nonempty, convex and compact set.
Corollary 9.20 (Existence of points with nonempty subdifferential)
Proof. The effective domain of a proper convex function is convex and nonempty.
By Theorem 9.142, the relative interior of
is nonempty.Thus, there exists
.By Theorem 9.217,
is nonempty. Unbounded Subdifferential#
Theorem 9.218 (Unboundedness condition for subdifferential)
Assume that
Proof. We proceed as follows.
. is an affine set.We have
is the subspace parallel to .Accordingly,
.Then, the orthogonal complement of
is a nontrivial subspace with dimension .Let
be a nonzero vector.Then,
for every .Now let
be an arbitrary subgradient at .By subgradient inequality
Note that both
and .Hence,
.But then, for any
,Thus, if
, then for every .Thus,
is unbounded.
9.16.4. Directional Derivatives#
The directional derivative of a proper convex function
is closely linked with its subdifferential.
To see this, let
We saw in Observation 9.8 that
This establishes the basic relation
for every Max Formula#
The max formula is one of the key results in this section. It connects subgradients with directional derivatives.
Theorem 9.219 (Max formula)
In words, the directional derivative is the supremum of the inner product of the subgradients with the direction.
Proof. Let
. Then, by subgradient inequalityThus,
Taking the limit
for every
.Taking the supremum over
on the R.H.S., we obtain
We now show that the inequality is indeed an equality.
be given byBy Theorem 9.206,
is a real valued convex function and nonnegative homogeneous.By Corollary 9.19,
is subdifferentiable everywhere in .In particular,
is subdifferentiable at .Let
.For any
and ,since
is nonnegative homogeneous.By subdifferential inequality
Rearranging the terms,
Since this inequality is valid for every
, hence the term must be nonnegative. Otherwise, the inequality will be invalided for large enough . Thus,By Theorem 9.207, for any
,From previous inequality,
Thus, for any
,But this is a subgradient inequality. Hence,
, in the subgradient inequality for ,Thus, there exists
such thatConsequently,
Combining the two inequalities, we obtain the max formula:
Recall from Definition 9.51 that
support function for a set
Corollary 9.21 (Max formula as a support function)
The max formula can be written as
9.16.5. Differentiability# Subdifferential and gradient#
Theorem 9.220 (Subdifferential at points of differentiability)
In other words, if
Proof. Assume that
be some direction.By Theorem 9.203,
By Theorem 9.214,
is subdifferentiable at since is convex and .Let
.By the max formula (Theorem 9.219):
as the directional derivative is the supremum of the inner product of the subgradients with the direction.
In turn,
This holds for every
.By the definition of dual norm
Using the previous inequality
Since, dual norm is a norm, hence it cannot be negative. Thus,
Moreover, due to positive definiteness of a norm
must hold true.
.In other words, if
is a subgradient to at , then it must equal .Thus, the only subgradient for
at is .Thus,
For the converse, assume that
By the subgradient inequality
Define a function
asWe list some properties of
.By definition
for every . is a convex function since is convex, is linear and is a constant (w.r.t. the variable ). .Thus, since
, hence . .
If we are able to show that
then, by the definition of gradient (Definition 9.71),
We can easily show that
is a subgradient of at , then by subgradient inequalityThen,
satisfies this inequality since by definition.For contradiction, assume a nonzero
can satisfy this inequality.Then,
This contradicts the hypothesis that the subgradient of
at is .Thus,
Then, max formula (Theorem 9.219):
Thus, from the definition of directional derivatives
Let us now introduce an orthonormal basis for
as .Assume that
has been equipped with various norms as described in Remark 9.1.Since
, there exists such thatIt is a cross polytope of radius
with vertices given by .Let us denote these
vectors as .By Remark 9.1
be a nonzero vector.Since
, hence , hence .Let
.Thus, there exists
such thatThen,
Note that
as desired.
9.16.6. Subdifferential Calculus# Function Sums#
Theorem 9.221 (Subdifferential subadditivity with sum of functions)
Proof. Let
.Then, there exist
and such that .Then, by subgradient inequality, for any
Summing the two inequalities, we get
Rewriting, for every
= \partial f (\bx).Thus,
We can generalize this result for a finite sum of functions using simple mathematical induction.
Corollary 9.22 (Weak sum rule of subdifferential calculus)
Theorem 9.222 (Subdifferential additivity with sum of convex functions)
Proof. With
.By max formula, for any
,Since directional derivative is additive, hence
Expanding on this
In summary, for every
,By Theorem 9.211,
, and are closed and convex.By Theorem 9.214,
, and are nonempty and bounded.Since
and are closed and bounded, hence they are compact ( is finite dimensional).Thus,
is also closed, bounded, convex and nonempty.Thus, both
and are nonempty, convex and closed.Then, due to Theorem 9.90,
We can generalize this result for a finite sum of proper convex functions using simple mathematical induction.
Corollary 9.23 (Sum rule of subdifferential calculus for proper convex functions at interior points)
For real valued convex functions, the domain is the entire
Corollary 9.24 (Sum rule of subdifferential calculus for real valued convex functions)
A more powerful result with less restrictive assumptions than Corollary 9.23 is possible if the intersection of the relative interiors of the domains of the individual functions is nonempty.
Theorem 9.223 (Sum rule of subdifferential calculus for proper convex functions)
Let Linear Transformations#
Our interest here is in compositions of the
From the definition of directional derivative, we have
Theorem 9.224 (Weak linear transformation rule of subdifferential calculus)
Assume that
Then, for any
Proof. We proceed as follows.
.By Theorem 9.219,
, we haveEquivalently
due to (9.8).Hence
Theorem 9.225 (Strong linear transformation rule for subdifferential calculus)
Assume that
Then, for any
Proof. We showed
such that .Assume that there exists
such that .By Theorem 9.215, the set
is nonempty, convex and compact.Hence
is also nonempty, convex and compact.By strict separation theorem (Theorem 9.169), there exists a vector
and a scalar such thatEquivalently
Taking the supremum over
on the L.H.S., we obtainBy the max formula
But this means that
This contradicts the assumption that
.Hence we must have Affine Transformations#
Theorem 9.226 (Weak affine transformation rule of subdifferential calculus)
Assume that
Then, for any
Proof. We proceed as follows.
such that .Let
.Then, there is
such that with .Let
such that .Applying subgradient inequality for
at with the subgradient being , we getWe have
, and .Thus, the subgradient inequality simplifies to
We note that
Thus, for any
, we haveThus,
Since this is valid for any
Theorem 9.227 (Affine transformation rule of subdifferential calculus)
Assume that
Then, for any
Proof. We note that
such that .Then, for any direction
, by the max formula,By the definition of the directional derivative, we have
Using the max formula on the R.H.S., we get
, hence by Theorem 9.211 and Theorem 9.214 is nonempty, closed and convex.Since
, hence by Theorem 9.211 and Theorem 9.214 is nonempty, closed and convex.It follows that
is nonempty, closed and convex since is a linear operator and both and are finite dimensional.Then, due to Theorem 9.90, Composition#
Chain rule is a key principle in computing derivatives of composition of functions. A chain rule is available for subgradient calculus also.
We first recall a result on the derivative of composition of real functions.
Theorem 9.228 (Chain rule for real functions)
is right differentiable at
Proof. We show this by working with the definition of right hand derivative as a limit
We can now develop a chain rule for subdifferentials of multidimensional functions with the help of max formula.
Theorem 9.229 (Subdifferential chain rule)
Proof. We are given
is convex and is nondecreasing convex function, hence is also convex.We now introduce two real functions parametrized on
and an arbitrary directionIt is now easy to see that
and are restrictions of and along a line, they are also convex.Due to Theorem 9.204, the directional derivatives of
and exist in every direction.By the definition of directional derivative Definition 9.70,
Also note that
and . is right differentiable at , and is differentiable at .Hence, by the chain rule in Theorem 9.228,
By the max formula in Corollary 9.21,
The last step is due to Theorem 9.92. Since
is nondecreasing, hence .By Theorem 9.211 and Theorem 9.214, the sets
and are nonempty, closed and convex.Then, the set
is also nonempty, closed and convex.Thus, by Theorem 9.90,
Applications of this rule are presented later in Example 9.70. Max Rule#
Theorem 9.230 (Max rule of subdifferential calculus)
The subdifferential set of
Proof. Since
.For any (nonzero) direction,
, by Theorem 9.209:Without loss of generality, let us assume that
for some . This can be achieved by reordering .By max formula (Theorem 9.219),
Recall that for any
, the identity below holds:Thus, we can expand
and denotes the support function.Since
, hence, by the max formula (Corollary 9.21)Thus, we have
By Theorem 9.211,
is closed and convex.By Theorem 9.214,
is nonempty and bounded.Thus,
is nonempty, closed and convex.Similarly,
are nonempty, closed, convex and bounded.Thus,
is a finite union of nonempty, closed, convex and bounded sets.Thus,
is also nonempty and compact.A finite union of nonempty sets is nonempty.
A finite union of bounded sets is bounded.
A finite union of closed sets is closed.
is closed and bounded.Since
is finite dimensional, hence closed and bounded sets are compact.
is a convex hull of , hence is nonempty, closed and convex.Recall from Theorem 9.129 that convex hull of a compact set is compact.
Also, recall that compact sets are closed and bounded.
is true for any , the support functions for the underlying nonempty, closed and convex set are equal. Hence by Theorem 9.90,
Some applications of this rule are presented later in Example 9.75, Example 9.76, Example 9.78, Example 9.79.
We now present a weaker version of the max rule which is applicable for pointwise supremum over an arbitrary set of functions.
Theorem 9.231 (Weak max rule of subdifferential calculus)
Then for any
In words, if
Proof. Pick some
be arbitrary.Let
be arbitrary.Let
be a subgradient of at .Then, by definition of
and subgradient inequality:We used the fact that
for .Thus,
. is a subgradient of at .Since this is valid for every subgradient of
at , hence .Since this is valid for every
, henceRecall from Theorem 9.211 that
is convex.Thus, it contains the convex hull of any of its subsets. Hence,
Next is an example application of the weak max rule.
Example 9.66 (Subgradient of
For every vector
Our task is to find a subgradient of
Recall from the definition of largest eigen values,
For every
such that , we can define a function:Then,
The function
is affine (in ) for every .Thus,
is convex for every .Thus,
is a pointwise supremum of a family of functions .Thus,
is also convex (see Theorem 9.114).Consequently, we can use the weak max rule Theorem 9.231 to identify a subgradient of
at .Let
be a normalized eigenvector of corresponding to its largest eigenvalue. ThenThis means that
.By the weak max rule, a subgradient of
at is also a subgradient of at .Expanding
:Then, the gradient of
at (computed by taking partial derivatives w.r.t. ) isSince
is affine (thus convex), hence its gradient is also a subgradient.Thus,
9.16.7. Lipschitz Continuity#
Theorem 9.232 (Lipschitz continuity and boundedness of the subdifferential sets)
for any . for any where .
(2) implies (1). In other words, if subgradients are bounded then, the function is Lipschitz continuous.
is open, then (1) holds if and only if (2) holds.
In other words, if the subgradients over a set
Proof. (a) We first show that
Assume that (2) is satisfied.
Pick any
is proper and convex and , hence due to Theorem 9.214, and are nonempty.Let
and .By subgradient inequality
We can rewrite this as
By generalized Cauchy Schwartz inequality (Theorem 4.108),
Combining the two inequalities, we get
(b) If
We have already shown that
.Assume that
is open and holds.Let
is an interior point of , hence the subdifferential is nonempty.Pick any
be a vector with and . Such a vector exists by definition of the dual norm.Since
is open, we can choose small enough such that .By the subgradient inequality, we have:
, we get:holds true for every
where as desired.
Corollary 9.25 (Lipschitz continuity of convex functions over compact domains)
Proof. Recall from Theorem 9.216 that the subgradients of a proper convex function over a compact set are nonempty and bounded.
In other words, the set
is nonempty and bounded.
Thus, for every
, there exists such that .Then by Theorem 9.232,
is indeed Lipschitz continuous over .
9.16.8. -Subgradients#
Definition 9.76 (
Let Geometric Interpretation#
Observation 9.12 (
Proof. Let
The positive halfspace of
Assume that
For any
, we haveThis is equivalent to
for all
Now assume that
.Then we have
Rearranging the terms, we have
But this means that
is an -subgradient of at . -Subdifferential#
Definition 9.77 (
For all
It is easy to see that
Also, if
9.16.9. Optimality Conditions#
A well known result for differentiable functions is that
at the point of optimality
Theorem 9.233 (Fermat’s optimality condition)
if and only if
In other words,
Proof. Assume that
By subgradient inequality
This simplifies to
For the converse, assume that
But then
holds true for every
.This implies that
9.16.10. Mean Value Theorem#
The following result is from [48].
Theorem 9.234 (A subgradients based mean value theorem for 1D functions)
In the reminder of this section, we compute the subgradients and subdifferential sets for a variety of standard functions.
9.16.11. Norm Functions#
We recall from Theorem 9.210 that
the subdifferential of a norm -Norm#
Example 9.67 (Subdifferential of
Following Theorem 9.210,
the subdifferential of
Example 9.68 (Subdifferential of absolute value function at origin)
This is a special case of
For a complete specification of the subdifferential of
Example 9.69 (Subdifferential of
Due to affine transformation rule (Theorem 9.227),
The subdifferential of the absolute value function
Thus, the subdifferential set of
Using the sum rule Corollary 9.24, we have:
We define the index set:
Expanding the sum of subdifferentials,
We can rewrite this as:
We also have a weak result from this:
Example 9.70 (Subdifferential of
Now let
By subdifferential chain rule (Theorem 9.229):
We have used the subdifferential of -Norm#
Example 9.71 (Subdifferential of
Following Theorem 9.210,
the subdifferential of
Example 9.72 (Subdifferential of
Combining this with the subdifferential of
Example 9.73 (Subdifferential of absolute value function)
This is a special case of
c.f. Example 9.68. -Norm#
Example 9.74 (Subdifferential of
Following Theorem 9.210,
the subdifferential of
Example 9.75 (Subdifferential of
We have:
Then, following Example 9.69
This is valid since
Then, using the max rule for proper convex functions (Theorem 9.230):
We can rewrite this as:
Combining this with the subdifferential of Norm over Affine Transformation#
By affine transformation rule, we have:
we have:
In particular, we have the weak result: Norm over Affine Transformation#
We have:
Applying the affine transformation rule, we get:
For Norm over Affine Transformation#
Example 9.76 (Subdifferential of
Following Example 9.75
Due to affine transformation rule (Theorem 9.227),
We have the following cases.
In terms of
, the condition is equivalent to .Then,
In terms of
, the condition is equivalent to .Then,
Note that
Combining the two cases, we get:
9.16.12. Indicator Functions#
Theorem 9.235 (Subdifferential of indicator function)
The subdifferential of indicator function for a nonempty set
Proof. Let
Example 9.77 (Subdifferential of the indicator function of the unit ball)
The unit ball at origin is given by:
From Theorem 9.64, the normal cone
For any
9.16.13. Maximum Eigen Value Function#
The maximum eigen value function for symmetric matrices,
denoted as
Theorem 9.236 (Subgradient for maximum eigen value function)
Proof. Let
For any
In this derivation, we have used the following results:
The maximum eigen value can be obtained by maximizing
over the unit sphere.For a scalar
, . if both and are well defined. for the space of symmetric matrices.
We note here that this result only identifies one of the
subgradients of
9.16.14. The Max Function#
Example 9.78 (Subdifferential of the max function)
We note that
We denote the index set of functions which
equal the value of
Then, using the max rule for proper convex functions (Theorem 9.230):
As and example, consider the case where
In other words,
. for ever . . . .But
9.16.15. Space of Matrices#
The gradient at
9.16.16. Convex Piecewise Linear Functions#
Example 9.79 (Subdifferential of convex piecewise linear functions)
Let a convex piecewise linear function
We define a set of functions
We can see that
We define:
Then, using the max rule for proper convex functions (Theorem 9.230):
By Fermat’s optimality condition
(Theorem 9.233),
Note that at any
Thus, the complimentary condition
denotes the fact that whenever
If we put together a matrix
9.16.17. Minimization Problems#
Minimization problem:
Dual function:
Assume that for
Subgradient of the (negative of the) dual function