Normed Linear Spaces
4.4. Normed Linear Spaces#
A norm is a real number attached to every vector. Norm is a generalization of the notion of length. Adding a norm to a vector space makes it a normed linear space with rich topological properties as a norm induces a distance function (a metric) on the vector space converting it into a metric space with an algebraic structure. We can identify open sets, closed sets, bounded sets, compact sets, etc.. We can introduce the notion of continuity on the functions defined from one normed linear space to another metric space (which could be a normed linear space or just the real line).
The algebraic structure allows us to consider operations like translations, scaling, rotation, and general affine transformations on sets of vectors which can be thought of as geometrical objects.
There are many ways to define norms on a vector space. A question arises as to which norms are equivalent to each other in the sense that they determine the same topology on the underlying vector space. It turns out that in finite dimensional vector spaces, all norms are equivalent.
Linear transformations play a central role in linear algebra. Linear transformations are generally unbounded by the usual notion of boundedness of a function (where we say that the range of the function is bounded). However, there is another way to examine the boundedness of linear transformations by examine the ratio of norms of the input to the transformation and the output generated by it. For bounded linear transformations, the ratio is bounded. For matrices, this is the largest singular value. Not all linear transformations are continuous, but linear transformations on finite dimensional spaces are continuous. In fact, for linear transformations, boundedness, continuity, uniform continuity and Lipschitz continuity turn out to be the same thing.
A normed linear space that is complete is called a Banach space.
We restrict our attention to real vector spaces and complex vector spaces.
Thus, the field
4.4.1. Norm#
Definition 4.59 (Norm)
A norm over a
[Positive definiteness]
[Positive homogeneity]
[Triangle inequality]
The norm doesn’t change on negation.
Remark 4.5 (Negation and norm)
There is a different form of triangle inequality which is quite useful in the following analysis. It can be derived from the properties of a norm.
Theorem 4.33 (Triangle inequality II)
Proof. Putting
Combining the two inequalities, we get:
Theorem 4.34 (Triangle inequality for vector differences)
The triangle inequality is equivalent to the following property:
Proof. Start with
For the converse, start with:
4.4.2. Normed Linear Space#
Definition 4.60 (Normed linear space)
Example 4.15 (Norm for the trivial vector space)
The trivial vector space contains a single vector
which is the zero vector; i.e.,
A function
Remark 4.6
We will assume that the vector space is non-trivial;
i.e., different from
Example 4.16 (Real line
Recall from Example 4.3 that
The function
satisfies all the requirements of a norm.
Example 4.17 (Euclidean space
The Euclidean space
When we propose a norm for a vector space, we justify it by showing that it satisfies all the properties of a norm.
Theorem 4.111
justifies that all
4.4.3. Normed Space as a Metric Space#
Definition 4.61 (Metric induced by a norm)
Every norm
Theorem 4.35 (Norm induced metric justification)
The metric
Proof. We proceed as follows:
since is positive definite.Identity of indiscernibles.
since is positive definite.Now, assume
since is positive definite.
using the positive homogeneity property of .Triangle inequality: See Theorem 4.34 above.
Remark 4.7
We will use the notation
Definition 4.62 (Metric space from a norm)
The normed space
If the norm and the induced metric are clear from the context,
then we shall simply write it as
Theorem 4.36 (Translation invariance)
The metric induced by a norm is translation invariant.
For any
Proof. Expanding from definition:
The topology of a general metric space is discussed in detail in Metric Topology and sections thereafter. In this section, we discuss results which are specific to normed linear spaces as they take advantage of the additional structure provided by the vector space.
There is a special zero vector
. It provides a reference point to define unit balls.Vectors in
can be added, subtracted and scaled. Thus, general balls can be described in terms of unit balls.It is possible to introduce the notion of translation of sets. Recall that the metric induced by the norm is translation invariant.
Sets of vectors in a vector space can be added/subtracted/scaled since the underlying vectors can be. This produces a number of interesting phenomena.
4.4.4. Balls#
An open ball in a normed space is defined analogously as:
A closed ball in a normed space is defined analogously as:
We sometimes use the notation
Definition 4.63 (Unit ball)
A ball centered at origin
Observation 4.1 (Ball arithmetic)
Following the notation in Definition 4.25, a closed ball can be expressed in terms of closed unit ball as:
Similarly, any open ball can be expressed in terms of the open unit ball as:
Theorem 4.37 (Ball addition and subtraction)
Proof. Due to Theorem 4.16,
We now show that
such that and .Now,
Next, note that
Theorem 4.38 (Moving a point into a ball)
Then, every point in
Proof. Let
, then we can simply translate it by to put it inside .Now, assume that
. Then, .Let
In the following,
4.4.5. Interior#
Theorem 4.39 (Interior points in a normed space)
Proof. From Definition 3.12,
Theorem 4.40 (Interior in a normed space)
Proof. This follows from the fact that the interior is a collection
of all the interior points of
Theorem 4.41 (Subspaces and interior)
Proof. Let
Assume that
has a nonempty interior.Then, there is an interior point
.Thus, there is an open ball
.By Theorem 4.38, any nonzero point
can be moved into the ball asWe have
.But a subspace is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication.
implies .Thus,
Thus, the only subspace which has a nonempty interior is
Corollary 4.10 (Interior of proper subspaces)
Every proper subspace of a normed linear space
4.4.6. Closure#
Theorem 4.42 (Closure points in a normed space)
Proof. Recall that
Assume that
Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus,
for every .Thus,
is a closure point of .
For the converse, assume that
for every .Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus, for every
, there exists (depending on ) such that .Thus, for every
, .
Theorem 4.43 (Closure in a normed space)
Proof. From previous result, a point
The result follows from the fact that the closure of
4.4.7. Continuity#
Definition 4.64 (Continuity in normed linear spaces)
A function
holds true.
The function
These definitions are just adapted from the corresponding definitions for metric spaces for convenience. Norms#
Theorem 4.44 (Norms are uniformly continuous )
A function Translations#
Theorem 4.45 (Translations are uniformly continuous )
Proof. Let
Theorem 4.46 (Translations preserve topology)
Translations preserve the topology.
is open if and only if is open. is closed if and only if is closed. is compact if and only if is compact. has an empty interior if and only if has an empty interior.
Proof. We note that the inverse of
Preservation of open and closed sets are simple applications of Theorem 3.42 (characterization of continuous functions).
Preservation of compactness is an application of Theorem 3.78 (continuous images of compact sets are compact).
Assume that
Then, there exists a ball
.Then, the ball
is an interior point of .
Thus, if Scalar Multiplication#
Theorem 4.47 (Scalar multiplication is uniformly continuous )
Proof. If
.Now, for any
is uniformly continuous.
Theorem 4.48 (Scalar multiplication preserves topology )
is open if and only if is open. is closed if and only if is closed. is compact if and only if is compact. has an empty interior if and only if has an empty interior.
Proof. We first show that
is uniformly continuous by Theorem 4.47.Then,
is also uniformly continuous by Theorem 4.47.Note that
is bijective and is its inverse.Since
is bijective, is continuous, and its inverse is continuous, hence is a homeomorphism.Morever,
is also a homeomorphism.
By Theorem 3.49,
is open if and only if is open. is closed if and only if is closed.
Due to Theorem 3.80
(homeomorphisms preserve compact sets)
Due to Theorem 3.52,
homeomorphisms preserve interiors.
4.4.8. Open Sets#
Theorem 4.49 (Sum of an open set with any set is open)
Proof. We proceed as follows:
.Then the set
is open since is open and translations preserve open sets (Theorem 4.46).Then,
is a union of open sets. Hence, it is open.
4.4.9. Closed Sets#
Theorem 4.50
Proof. Let
is a sequence of . is a sequence of .Let
is compact, has a convergent subsequence, say (Theorem 3.75).Let
.Now consider the sequence
given by . is convergent since it is a subsequence of a convergent sequence (Theorem 3.35).Since
and are both convergent, hence is also convergent.Let
is closed. Hence (Theorem 3.33).Now,
gives us .Thus,
and .Hence,
.Thus, every convergent sequence of
converges in .Thus,
is closed. (Theorem 3.33).
4.4.10. Boundedness#
By definition
Definition 4.65 (Bounded set)
Compare the definition with the definition of bounded sets in metric spaces.
We can characterize the case where
Theorem 4.51 (Zero as the greatest lower bound)
Proof. Note that
Then, for every
, there exists such that .Thus, for every
, .Thus, for every
, .Thus,
Now suppose that
Then, for every
, .Thus, for every
, there exists such that .Thus,
4.4.11. Sequences#
Definition 4.66 (Convergence in norm)
A sequence
i.e., if
Following is an alternative proof for Theorem 4.51 in terms of convergent sequences.
Proof. Assume that
Then, there exists a sequence
such that .Thus,
.Thus, for every
, there exists such that for all .Thus, for every
, there exists such that .Thus,
Assume that
Thus, for every
, there exists such that .For every
, pick a such that .Form the sequence
.Then, for every
, there exists such that for all , .Thus,
4.4.12. The Calculus of Limits#
Our presentation here is similar to the presentation for sequences of real numbers in The Calculus of Limits.
Theorem 4.52 (Scaling a sequence)
Proof. If
Corollary 4.11 (Negating a sequence)
We get this result by choosing
Theorem 4.53 (Addition of sequences)
Proof. From triangle inequality we get:
For any
Similarly, choose
Now choose
Corollary 4.12 (Subtraction of sequences)
4.4.13. Cauchy Sequences#
Theorem 4.54 (Cauchy sequence is bounded)
Every Cauchy sequence in a normed space is bounded.
The proof is very similar to the proof for the boundedness of Cauchy sequences in real line (Theorem 2.18).
Proof. Let
.Then there exists
such that whenever .In particular, the statement is valid when
. i.e. .But,
, it is clear thatHence
is bounded.
4.4.14. Linear Transformations# Boundedness#
Definition 4.67 (Bounded linear transformation)
is bounded.
Note that the set
The notion of boundedness for linear transformations is different from the notion of boundedness for bounded functions in general metric spaces as defined in Definition 3.37. There, we posit that the range of the function is bounded. For bounded linear transformations, the range (in norm) may be unbounded, yet the ratio of the norms of output and input is bounded.
Since linear transformations commute with scalar multiplication
as in
If there exists
Thus, the idea of a bounded range is not very useful for linear transformations.
Remark 4.8 (Bounded linear transformation in terms of unit norm vectors)
In particular, if we choose
Hence, every element in set
Some authors prefer this description of
Example 4.18 (Unbounded linear transformation)
It is possible to construct unbounded linear transformations in infinite dimensional normed linear spaces.
We shall consider a sequence space as described below.
It is easy to verify that
For any
It is easy to verify that it is indeed a norm.
Define a transformation
It is easy to verify that
For any sequence
Consequently, Continuity#
Theorem 4.55 (Characterization of continuity for linear transformations)
is continuous at one point in . is continuous at . is bounded. is Lipschitz continuous at . is Lipschitz continuous. is uniformly continuous. is continuous.
Proof. (1)
and let such that if then .Then, for all
, we haveHence,
is linear. HenceThus,
.Thus, for any
, there exists such that implies .Thus,
is continuous at .
Assume that
Then, for any
and choose such that if then . We can choose such since is continuous at .Let
be any nonzero vector.Let
holds true for every nonzero
.Thus, the set in (4.1) is bounded from above by
is bounded.
Assume that
Thus, there exists
We assume that
Then, let
be a nonzero vector.Let
.Now, using linearity of
:Thus, we have
for every nonzero .Now, let
be distinct.Using linearity of
is Lipschitz continuous.
Assume that
.Then, for every
with , we haveHence,
is uniformly continuous.
A uniformly continuous function is trivially continuous.
A continuous function is trivially continuous at a point.
4.4.15. Equivalent Norms#
Definition 4.68 (Equivalent norms)
We say that the two norms are equivalent if
there exist constants
Note that the zero-dimensional vector space
There are several ways to express the equivalent norm inequalities.
Theorem 4.56 (Characterization of equivalent norms)
The following statements are equivalent.
The norms
and are equivalent.There exist constants
such that for everyThere exists
such that for all
Proof. (1)
By hypothesis, the norms
and are equivalent.Thus, there exist
such that for everyLet
and .The inequalities become:
Combining, we get:
By hypothesis, there exist constants
such that for everyLet
. Note that since .Then,
for every .Also,
for every .Combining, we get:
By hypothesis, there exists
such that for allLet
and .Thus,
for all .And
implies for all .Thus, there exist constants
given by such that for every , we haveThus, the two norms are equivalent.
Theorem 4.57 (Norm equivalence = Identical bounded sets)
The following statements are equivalent.
The norms
and are equivalent.Every set
is bounded in if and only if it is bounded in .
Proof. (1)
By hypothesis, the norms
and are equivalent.Thus, there exist
such that for everyLet
be bounded in .Then, there exists a constant
such thatBut then,
is bounded in .A similar reasoning shows that if
is bounded in , then must be bounded in also.
By hypothesis, every set
is bounded in if and only if it is bounded in .For contradiction, assume that the norms are not equivalent and there is no constant
such that for every .Then, for each
, there exists such that .In particular,
.The set
is bounded in since each point is unit norm.Then,
is bounded in also by hypothesis.Thus,
for some and every .It implies
for every .But, this contradictions with our choice above as
.Thus, there must exist a constant
such that for every .A similar reasoning shows that there must exist a constant
such that for every .Thus, the two norms must be equivalent.
Theorem 4.58
Equivalence of norms is an equivalence relation on the set of norms for a given vector space.
Proof. Let
We shall say that
. Then,for every
.Then, there exist constants
such that for every , we haveChoose
and .Then, for every
, we haveThus,
and .Then, there exist constants
such that for every , we haveAnd, there exist constants
such that for every , we haveLet
and .Then, for every
:Similarly, for every
Theorem 4.59 (Norm equivance
If two norms are equivalent, then there associated metrics are strongly equivalent.
Proof. Let
Then, there exist constants
The associated metrics are given by
Clearly, for every
Thus, there exist
Thus, the two associated metrics are strongly equivalent. Norms on Finite Dimensional Spaces#
Theorem 4.60 (Equivalence of norms on a finite dimensional vector space)
Reaching this conclusion requires significant amount
of work on the norms on Euclidean spaces
which are discussed in detail in
The Euclidean Space.
Readers are advised to read the material on
norms on
Proof. If
be an isomorphism.Now, if
is a norm on , then the function defined byis a norm on
and be two different norms on .Let
and be the corresponding induced norms on .By Theorem 4.117, all norms on
are equivalent.Hence,
and are equivalent.Hence, there exist constants
such thatholds true for every
.Then, for every
Similarly, for every
holds true.
Thus, the two norms are equivalent.
Since, the two norms chosen were arbitrary,
hence all norms on
Definition 4.69 (Norm topology)
Let Continuity#
Continuity of a function doesn’t depend
on the choice of a norm within the class
of all equivalent norms.
In other words, if a function
Theorem 4.61 (Continuity with equivalent norms)
Similarly, let
Proof. By Theorem 4.59,
the metrics
Now, assume
be an open set of .Then,
is an open set of since is continuous (Theorem 3.42).But
is also an open set of since both metrics determine same open sets.Thus, whenever
is an open set of , is an open set of .Thus,
is continuous due to Theorem 3.42.
A similar reasoning shows that
Now, assume
be an open set of .Then,
is an open set of since is continuous (Theorem 3.42).But
is also an open set of since both metrics determine same open sets.Thus, whenever
is an open set of , is an open set of .Thus,
is continuous due to Theorem 3.42.
A similar reasoning shows that
Remark 4.9 (Continuity in finite dimensional spaces)
In the special case where
4.4.16. Linear Transformations in Finite Dimensional Spaces#
Theorem 4.62 (Linear transformations in finite dimensional spaces are bounded)
Proof. If
for and .Let
.It can be uniquely written as
Note that the function
given byis a norm on
.By Theorem 4.60, all norms on
are equivalent since is finite dimensional.Thus, there exists
such thatfor every
for every .Thus, for every nonzero
,Thus, the set
in (4.1) is bounded.Thus,
is bounded.
Theorem 4.63 (Linear transformations in finite dimensional spaces are continuous)
Proof. By Theorem 4.62,
4.4.17. Linear Subspaces#
Theorem 4.64 (Linear subspaces are closed)
Every subspace of a finite dimensional normed linear space
Proof. Let
The trivial subspace
By Theorem 4.63,
And the set
Then, by Theorem 3.42
4.4.18. Completeness and Banach Spaces#
Definition 4.70 (Banach space)
A normed space
In other words,
Example 4.19 (Examples of Banach spaces)
The spaces in examples below have been described in detail elsewhere. Follow the links.
The Euclidean space
is complete with respect to the Euclidean norm. Thus, it is a Banach space.The space of bounded real valued functions
over a nonempty set equipped with sup norm is complete.
Theorem 4.65 (
In other words, every finite dimensional normed linear space is complete.
be a basis for .For any
, we can represent it in the basis asWe can define the
norm asBy Theorem 4.60, all norms on
are equivalent.Thus,
and are equivalent.Thus, there are
such that for every ,Let
be a Cauchy sequence of .Let
is a Cauchy sequence of , hence there exists such that for every ,Then,
for every
is a Cauchy sequence of for every .Since both
and are complete, hence is a convergent sequence of for every .Thus, there exists
for every .Now, let
is convergent.Thus, every Cauchy sequence of
is convergent.Thus,
is complete.
4.4.19. Compact Sets#
In this subsection, we pay special attention to the
compact subsets of
Theorem 4.66 (Compact = Closed and Bounded in
Proof. By Theorem 3.76,
every compact set is closed and bounded.
Thus, if
For the converse, assume that
By Theorem 4.65, both
and are complete.Let
be an isomorphism.Then, for any
, a function given bydefines a norm on
.The norm
is equivalent to the Euclidean norm on due to Theorem 4.60.Also,
is an isometryAccordingly
is uniformly continuous by Theorem 3.54.Since
is an isomorphism, it is bijective.Thus,
is a homeomorphism by Theorem 3.55.Then,
is also an isometry.Then,
is bounded in since is bounded in and is an isometry.By Theorem 4.57,
is also bounded in .Also,
is closed in . since is closed in and is continuous (see Theorem 3.42).Since equivalent norms (metrics) determine same topology, hence
is closed in also.Thus,
is closed and bounded in .By Heine-Borel theorem,
is a compact set in .By Theorem 3.90,
is a compact set in also.Then,
is also compact in since a homeomorphism preserves compactness (see Theorem 3.80).
Theorem 4.67 (Sum of compact sets is compact)
Proof. We proceed as follows
and are compact. Hence, they are closed and bounded.By Theorem 4.50,
is closed.Let
for every .Let
for every .Let
.Then, there exists
and such that .Then,
for every .Thus,
is bounded.Since
is closed and bounded, hence is compact due to Theorem 4.66.
Theorem 4.68 (Bolzano Weierstrass theorem for bounded subsets)
Proof. We are given that
Then, there exist
such that:Thus,
. is a closed and bounded subset of . since is the smallest closed set containing .Thus,
is closed and bounded.By Theorem 4.66,
is compact.Let
be a sequence of . Then, it is also a sequence of .By Theorem 3.75,
has a subsequence that converges in .If
is closed, then and we are done.
Theorem 4.69 (Bolzano Weierstrass theorem for bounded sequences)
Proof. Let
Then there exists a closed ball
such that . is closed and bounded.By Theorem 4.66,
is compact.By Theorem 3.75,
has a subsequence that converges in .