1.10. Groups#

We introduce the notion of groups in this section.


All functions in this section are total functions.

1.10.1. Definition#

A group is a set with a single binary operation. It is one of the simplest algebraic structures.

Definition 1.115 (Group)

Let G be a set. Let :G×GG be a binary operation defined on G mapping (g1,g2)(g1,g2) and denoted as


If the binary operation satisfies the following properties:

  1. [Closure] The set G is closed under the binary operation . i.e.

  2. [Associativity] For every g1,g2,g3G

  3. [Identity element] There exists an element eG such that

  4. [Inverse element] For every gG there exists an element g1G such that


then the set G together with the operator denoted as (G,) is known as a group.

Above properties are known as group axioms. Note that commutativity is not a requirement of a group.

Remark 1.22

Frequently, the group operation is the regular mathematical addition. In those cases, we write g1g2 as g1+g2. Otherwise, we will write g1g2 as g1g2.

Often, we may simply write a group (G,) as G when the underlying operation is clear from the context. Commutative groups#

A commutative group is a richer structure than a group. Its elements also satisfy the commutativity property.

Definition 1.116 (Commutative group)

Let (G,) be a group such that its binary operation satisfies an additional property:

  1. [Commutativity] For every g1,g2G


Then (G,) is known as a commutative group or an Abelian group.

1.10.2. Permutation Groups#

Definition 1.117 (Permutation)

Let X be a nonempty set. A bijective function π:XX is called a permutation of X.

The set of all permutations of a set X is denoted by Sym(X).

Theorem 1.37 (Permutation group)

Let X be a nonempty set. The set of all permutations of X, namely Sym(X), is a group under the operation of function composition.

It is known as the permutation group of X and denoted as (Sym(X),).

Proof. Since every permutation π:XX is a bijection, hence it has a unique inverse function π1:XX which is also a permutation (as it is also a bijection).


  1. Let π and σ be permutations.

  2. Then they are both bijections.

  3. Hence Their composition πσ is also a bijection.

  4. Hence πσ is also a permutation.

  5. Hence Sym(X) is closed under function composition.


  1. Function composition is by definition associative.

Identity element

  1. Consider the identity function idX:XX defined as

  2. idX is a bijection. Hence idXSym(X).

  3. For any πSym(X), we can see that πidX=π.

  4. Similarly, idXπ=π.

  5. Hence idX serves as an identity permutation.


  1. Since bijections are invertible, hence for every permutation, there exists an inverse permutation.

Hence (Sym(X),) is a group. Permutations on Finite Sets#

Let X be a finite set written as X={x1,,xn}. A convenient way of writing a permutation of a finite set is

  1. We can see that the two rows are two different (ordered) arrangements of the elements of X.

  2. One can think of a permutation as a rearrangement of the elements of the set X.

  3. Recall from Definition 1.84 that for a finite set, there exists a bijection from the set {1,,n} to the set X given by ixi.

  4. Hence, for every permutation of a finite X, there exists a corresponding permutation of the set {1,,n}. Symmetric Groups#

Definition 1.118 (Symmetric group of degree n)

Consider the set X={1,,n}. The set of all permutations of X under the operation of function composition is known as the symmetric group of degree n and is denoted by Sn.

Example 1.24 (Symmetric group S4)

  1. Let X={1,2,3,4}.

  2. Let π and σ be two permutations given by

    π=(12344132) and σ=(12343241).
  3. π1 is given by

  4. σ1 is given by

  5. Then πσ is given by


    We have (πσ)(i)=π(σ(i)). E.g. (πσ)(3)=π(4)=2.

  6. Then σπ is given by

  7. We can see that πσσπ. Hence the permutation group is not commutative.

Theorem 1.38 (Cardinality of symmetric group)

Let X be a finite set with n elements. Then |Sym(X)|=n!.

Proof. We can write a permutation as

  1. We need to count the number of ways of constructing the second row.

  2. There are n ways of choosing y1.

  3. Once y1 has been chosen, there are n1 ways of choosing y2 since y1 cannot be chosen again as π is injective.

  4. Similarly, there are n2 ways of choosing y3 since y1 and y2 have already been chosen and cannot be chosen again.

  5. We continue in this manner.

  6. Finally, there is just one way of choosing yn.

  7. Each choice of yi can occur with each choice of yj.

  8. Hence total number of permutations is given by
