8. Numerical Optimization#

A mathematical optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real valued function under a set of constraints. We shall assume V to denote a finite dimensional real vector space. Typical examples of V are Rn and Sn.

Formally, we express a mathematical optimization problem as:

minimizef0(x)subject tofi(x)bi,i=1,,m.
  • xV is the optimization variable of the problem.

  • f0:VR is the objective function.

  • The functions fi:VR,i=1,,m are the (inequality) constraint functions.

  • The (real scalar) constants b1,,bm are the limits for the inequality constraints.

  • A vector xV is called feasible if it belongs to the domains of f0,f1,,fm and satisfies all the constraints.

  • A vector x is called optimal if is feasible and has the smallest objective value; i.e. for any feasible z, we have f0(z)f0(x).

  • An optimal vector is also called a solution to the optimization problem.

  • An optimization problem is called infeasible if there is no feasible vector. i.e. there is no vector xV which satisfies the inequality constraints.

  • An infeasible problem doesn’t have a solution.

  • A feasible problem may not have a solution if the objective function is unbounded below. i.e. for every feasible x, there exists another feasible z such that f0(z)<f0(x).

  • If a feasible problem is not unbounded below, then it may have one or more solutions.