18.8. Restricted Isometry Property#

This section dwells deep into the implications of restricted isometry property.

Definition 18.31 (Restricted isometry property)

A matrix ΦCM×N is said to satisfy the RIP (restricted isometry property) of order K with a constant δ(0,1) if the following holds:


for every xΣK where


is the set of all K-sparse vectors in CN.

Definition 18.32 (Restricted isometry constant)

If a matrix ΦCM×N satisfies RIP of order K then the smallest value of δ (denoted as δK) for which the following holds


is known as the K-th restricted isometry constant for Φ. It is also written in short as K-th RIP constant. We write the bounds as in terms of δK as


Some remarks are in order.

  • Φ maps a vector xΣKCN into CM as a vector Φx (usually M<N).

  • We will call ΦxCM as an embedding of xCN into CM.

  • RIP quantifies the idea as to how much the squared length of a sparse signal changes during this embedding process.

  • We can compare matrices satisfying RIP with orthonormal bases.

  • An orthonormal basis or the corresponding unitary matrix preserves the length of a vector exactly.

  • A matrix Φ satisfying RIP of order K is able to preserve the length of K sparse signals approximately (the approximation range given by δK).

  • In this sense we can say that Φ implements a restricted almost orthonormal system [19].

  • By restricted we mean that orthonormality is limited to K-sparse signals.

  • By almost we mean that the squared length is not preserved exactly. Rather it is preserved approximately.

  • An arbitrary matrix Φ need not satisfy RIP of any order at all.

  • If Φ satisfies RIP of order K then it is easy to see that Φ satisfies RIP of any order L<K (since ΣLΣK whenever L<K).

  • If Φ satisfies RIP of order K, then it may or many not satisfy RIP of order L>K.

  • Restricted isometry constant is a function of sparsity level K of the signal xCN.

Example 18.37 (Restricted isometry constant)

As a running example in this section we will use following matrix




which is a 3-sparse vector in R8. We have






We note that


With this much information, all we can say that δ3.3571 for this matrix Φ if Φ satisfies RIP of order 3 since we haven’t examined all possible 3-sparse vectors.

Still what is comforting to note is that for this particular example, the distance hasn’t increased by a large factor.

For a given K-sparse vector x, let J denote the support of x; i.e.,


In the running example


We define xJCK to be the vector formed by keeping the elements in x indexed by J and dropping of other elements (the zero elements). Note that the order of elements is preserved. In the running example,


Let ΦJ be the corresponding sub-matrix by choosing columns from Φ indexed by the set J. Note that the order of columns is preserved. In the running example


It is easy to see that


There are (NK) ways of choosing a K-sparse support for x. Thus we have to consider (NK) corresponding submatrices ΦJ.

For each such submatrix ΦJ, the RIP bounds can be rewritten as


for every xCK. Note that


Theorem 18.44

An M×N matrix Φ cannot satisfy RIP of order K>M.

Proof. This comes from the fact that for a wide matrix rankΦM.

  1. Since every ϕjCM hence any set of M+1 columns in Φ is linearly dependent.

  2. Thus there exists a nonzero M+1 sparse signal xCN such that Φx=0 (it belongs to the null space of the chosen M+1 columns).

  3. RIP (18.43) requires that a nonzero vector be embedded as a nonzero vector.

  4. Thus Φ cannot satisfy RIP of order M+1.

  5. The argument can be easily extended for any K>M.

Theorem 18.45

If Φ satisfies RIP of order l then it satisfies RIP of order k where k<l.

Proof. Every k sparse signal is also l sparse signal. Thus if Φ satisfies RIP of order l then it automatically satisfies RIP of order k<l.

Theorem 18.46

Let Φ satisfy RIP of order k and l where k<l. Then δkδl. In other words, restricted isometry constants are non-decreasing.

Proof. Since every k sparse signal is also l sparse signal, hence for every xΣk following must be satisfied




Since δk is smallest such value for which these inequalities are satisfied hence δl cannot be smaller than δk.

18.8.1. The First Restricted Isometry Constant#

We consider the simplest case where K=1. We can write Φ in terms of its column vectors

  1. Now a 1-sparse vector x consists of only one nonzero entry.

  2. Say that x is nonzero at index j.

  3. Then Φx is nothing but xjϕj.

  4. With this the restricted isometry inequality can be written as

  5. Dividing by |xj|2 we get


Let us formalize this in the following theorem.

Theorem 18.47 (Restricted isometry constants of order 1)

If a matrix Φ satisfies RIP of order K1 then the squared lengths of columns of Φ satisfy the following bounds


When δ1=0 then all columns of Φ are unit norm. Now if columns of Φ span CM then Φ can also be considered as a dictionary for CM (see Definition 18.4).

Remark 18.8

A dictionary (Definition 18.4) satisfies RIP of order 1 with δ1=0.

18.8.2. Sums and Differences of Sparse Vectors#

Theorem 18.48

Let x,yCN with xΣk and yΣl; i.e., x0k and y0l. Then


as long as Φ satisfies RIP of order k+l.

Proof. We know that


Thus x±yΣk+l. The result follows.

18.8.3. Distance Between Sparse Vectors#

Let x,yΣK. Then clearly xyΣ2K.

The 2 distance between vectors is given by


Now if Φ satisfies RIP of order 2K then we can see that it approximately preserves 2 distances between K-sparse vectors.

Theorem 18.49 (Approximation preservation of distances)

Let x,yΣKCN. Let Φx,ΦyCM be corresponding embeddings. If Φ satisfies RIP of order 2K, then


Proof. Since Φ satisfies RIP of order 2K hence for every vector vΣ2K we have


But then xyΣ2K for every x,yΣK and




Thus we have the result.

18.8.4. RIP with Unit Length Sparse Vectors#

Sometimes it is convenient to state RIP in terms of unit length sparse vectors.

Theorem 18.50 (RIP for unit length sparse vectors)

Let x be some arbitrary unit length (i.e., x2=1) vector belonging to ΣK. A matrix Φ is said to satisfy RIP of order K if and only if the following holds


for every xΣK with x2=1.

Proof. If Φ satisfies RIP of order K then by putting x2=1 in (18.43) we get (18.48).

Now the converse.

  1. We assume (18.48) holds for all unit norm vectors xΣK.

  2. We need to show that (18.43) holds for all xΣK.

  3. For x=0 the bounds in (18.43) are trivially satisfied.

  4. Let xΣK be some nonzero vector.

  5. Let x^=xx2.

  6. Clearly x^ is unit length. Hence

  7. Thus Φ satisfies RIP of order K.

18.8.5. Singular and Eigen Values of K-Submatrices#

Consider any index set J{1,,N} with |J|=K. Let ΦJ be a sub matrix of Φ consisting of columns indexed by J. Assume KM. We define


as the Gram matrix for columns of ΦJ (see Gram Matrices).

We consider the eigen values of G given by


for some xCK and x0. We will show that eigen values of G are bounded by RIP constant.

In the running example


Eigen values of G are (0.2929,1,1.7071).

Theorem 18.51

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any sub matrix of Φ with K columns. Then the eigen values of G=ΦJHΦJ lie in the range [1δK,1+δK].

Proof. We note that GCK×K.

  1. Let λ be some eigen value of G.

  2. Let xCK be a corresponding (nonzero) eigenvector.

  3. Then

  4. From (18.46) we recall that δK RIP bounds apply for each vector in xCK for a K-column submatrix ΦJ given by

  5. Thus


    since x0.

Corollary 18.3

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with K columns. Then the Gram matrix G=ΦJHΦJ is full rank and invertible. Moreover G is positive definite.

Proof. From Theorem 18.51, the eigen values are in range [1δK,1+δK].

  1. Since Φ satisfies RIP of order K, hence δK<1.

  2. Hence all eigenvalues of G are positive.

  3. Hence G is positive definite.

  4. Hence their product is positive.

  5. Thus det(G) is nonzero.

  6. Hence G is invertible.

Theorem 18.52

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with K columns. Then all singular values of ΦJ are nonzero and they are in the range given by


where σ is a singular value of ΦJ.

Proof. This is straight forward application of Lemma 4.74 and Theorem 18.51. Eigen values of ΦJHΦJ are nothing but squares of the singular values of ΦJ.

Corollary 18.4

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Then the singular values of ΦJ are nonzero and they are in the range given by


where σ is a singular value of ΦJ.

Proof. Let σ be a singular value of ΦJ.

  1. Since Φ satisfies RIP of order K, it also satisfies RIP of order kK.

  2. From Theorem 18.52 we have

  3. From Theorem 18.46 we have δkδK.

  4. Thus

  5. Thus


Theorem 18.53

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Then the eigen values of ΦJHΦJ+rI lie in the range


Moreover consider Δ=ΦJHΦJI. Then


Proof. .

  1. From Theorem 18.51 eigen values of ΦJHΦJ lie in the range [1δK,1+δK].

  2. From Lemma 4.69 λ is an eigen value of ΦJHΦJ if and only if λ+r is an eigen value of ΦJHΦJ+rI.

  3. Hence the result.

Now for Δ=ΦJHΦJI

  1. The eigen values lie in the range [δK,δK].

  2. Thus for every eigen value of Δ we have |λ|δK.

  3. Since Δ is Hermitian, its spectral norm is nothing but its largest eigen value.

  4. Hence


From previous few results we see that bound over eigen values of ΦJHΦJ given by (1δK)λ(1+δK) is a necessary condition for Φ to satisfy RIP of order K. We now show that this is also a sufficient condition.

Theorem 18.54

Let Φ be an M×N matrix with MN. Let J{1,,N} be any index set with |J|=KM. Let ΦJ be the K-column sub-matrix of Φ indexed by J. Let G=ΦJHΦJ be the Gram matrix of columns of ΦJ. Let the eigen values of G be λ. If there exists a number δ(0,1) such that


for every eigen value of G for every K column submatrix of Φ, then Φ satisfies RIP of order K.

Alternatively, let Δ=GI. If


for every K column submatrix of Φ then Φ satisfies RIP of order K.

Alternatively, if singular values of ΦJ satisfy


for every ΦJ then Φ satisfies RIP of order K.

Proof. Equivalence of sufficient conditions

  1. We note that eigen values of G are related to eigen values of Δ by the relation (see Lemma 4.69)

  2. Hence

  3. Thus the first two sufficient conditions are equivalent.

  4. Lastly the eigen values of G are squares of singular values of ΦJ.

  5. Thus all sufficient conditions are equivalent.

Proof of sufficient condition

  1. Now let xΣK be an arbitrary vector.

  2. Let J=supp(x).

  3. Clearly |J|K. If |J|<K then augment J by adding some indices arbitrarily till we get |J|=K.

  4. Clearly xJ is an arbitrary vector in CK and Φx=ΦJxJ.

  5. Now let λ1 be the largest and λk be the smallest eigen value of G=ΦJHΦJ.

  6. G is Hermitian and all its eigen values are positive, hence it is positive definite.

  7. From Lemma 4.68 we get

  8. Applying the limits on the eigen values and using xHGx=ΦJx22, we get

  9. Since this holds for every index set J with |J|=K hence an equivalent statement is

  10. Thus Φ indeed satisfies RIP of order K with some δK not larger than δ.

Theorem 18.55

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Let ΦJ be its Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse. Then the singular values of ΦJ are nonzero and they are in the range given by


where σ is a singular value of ΦJ.

Proof. Construction of pseudoinverse of a matrix through its singular value decomposition is discussed in Lemma 4.79.

  1. Lemma 4.80 shows that if σ is a nonzero singular value of ΦJ then 1σ is a nonzero singular value of ΦJ.

  2. From Corollary 18.4 we have that if 1σ is a singular value of ΦJ then,

  3. Inverting the terms in the inequalities we get our result.

Theorem 18.56

Eigen values of G=ΦJHΦJ provide a lower bound on δK given by


where J is some index set choosing K columns of Φ and δK is the K-th restricted isometry constant for Φ.

In other words, singular values of ΦJ provide a lower bound on δK given by


Proof. Obvious.

In the running example, the bounds tell us that


Certainly we have to consider all possible (NK) sub-matrices ΦJ to come up with an overall lower bound on δK.

This result doesn’t provide us any upper bound on δK.

Theorem 18.57

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Then




Proof. We note that ΦJ is an M×k matrix.

  1. Let σ1 be the largest singular value of ΦJ.

  2. Then by Lemma 4.77 we have



  3. From Theorem 18.52 and Corollary 18.4 we get

  4. This completes the proof.

First inequality is a restatement of restricted isometry property in (18.46). Second inequality is interesting. In compressive sensing terms, y is a measurement vector and we are using ΦJH to project y back into CN over a k sparse support identified by J. The inequality provides an upper bound on how much the length can increase during this operation.

Theorem 18.58

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Let ΦJ be its Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse. Then


Proof. We note that ΦJ is an k×M matrix.

  1. Let σ1 be the largest singular value of ΦJ.

  2. Then by Lemma 4.77 we have

  3. From Theorem 18.55 we see that singular values of ΦJ satisfy the inequalities

  4. Thus

  5. Plugging it in we get


In the previous theorem we saw that back-projection using ΦJH had an upper bound on how much the length of measurement vector could increase. In this theorem we see another upper bound on how much the length of measurement vector can increase when back projected using the pseudo inverse of ΦJ.

Theorem 18.59

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any submatrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Then




Proof. We note that ΦJ is a full column rank tall matrix.

  1. We recall that all singular values of ΦJ are positive and are bounded by (Corollary 18.4):


    where σ1,,σk are the singular values of ΦJ (in descending order).

  2. We note that ΦJHΦJ is an k×k matrix which is invertible (Corollary 18.3).

  3. From Lemma 4.83 we get

  4. Applying the bounds on σi we get the result

  5. From Lemma 4.85 we have the bounds for (ΦJHΦJ)1 given by

  6. Applying the bounds on σi we get the result


In the sequel we will discuss that ΦHΦx can work as a very good proxy for the signal x. The results in this theorem are very comforting in this regard.

Theorem 18.60

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let ΦJ be any sub matrix of Φ with k columns where kK. Then


Proof. .

  1. From Theorem 18.53 we get

  2. Thus since spectral norm is subordinate


18.8.6. Approximate Orthogonality#

We are going to show that disjoint sets of columns from Φ span nearly orthogonal subspaces. This property is proved in [61].

Theorem 18.61

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let S and T denote index sets over the columns of Φ with |S|+|T|K and ST=. In other words, S and T are disjoint index sets. Let ΦS and ΦT denote corresponding sub-matrices consisting of columns indexed by S and T respectively. Then


where 2 denotes the 2-norm or spectral norm of a matrix.

Proof. Define R=ST.

  1. Consider the sub-matrix ΦR.

  2. Construct another matrix Ψ=ΦRHΦRI.

  3. The off-diagonal entries of Ψ are nothing but inner products of columns of ΦR.

  4. We note that every entry in the matrix ΦSHΦT is an entry in Ψ.

  5. Moreover, ΦSHΦT is a submatrix of Ψ.

  6. The spectral norm of a sub-matrix is never greater than the spectral norm of the matrix containing it.

  7. Thus

  8. From Theorem 18.53 the eigen values of ΦRHΦRI satisfy

  9. Thus the spectral norm of ΦRHΦRI which is its largest eigen value (see Theorem 4.145) satisfies

  10. Plugging back we get


This result has a useful corollary. It establishes the approximate orthogonality between a set of columns in Φ and portion of a sparse vector not covered by those columns.

Corollary 18.5

Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order K where KM. Let T{1,,N} be an index set and let xCN be some vector. Let S=supp(x). Further let us assume that K|TS|. Define R=ST.

Then the following holds


where xR is obtained by keeping entries in x indexed by R while setting others to 0 (see Definition 18.11).

Proof. The set R denotes the indices at which x is nonzero but not yet covered in T. In a typical sparse recovery algorithm, one has discovered a candidate support T which may not include all of S.

  1. Since


    and xR is zero on entries not indexed by R, hence


    where on the R.H.S. xRC|R| by dropping the 0 entries from it not indexed by R (see Definition 18.11).

  2. Thus we have

  3. From Lemma 4.90 we know that any operator norm is subordinate.

  4. Thus

  5. Since K|TS| hence we have

  6. Further T and R are disjoint and |TR|K.

  7. Applying Theorem 18.61 we get

  8. Putting back, we get our desired result


18.8.7. Signal Proxy#

We can use the results so far to formalize the idea of signal proxy.

Theorem 18.62

Let x be a k-sparse signal Let Φ satisfy the RIP of order k+l or higher. Let p be defined as


i.e. p is obtained by keeping the l largest entries in b=ΦHΦx. Then the following holds


Proof. Let A=supp(x) and B=supp(p).

  1. Then |A|k and |B|l.

  2. Clearly

  3. From Theorem 18.20 we get

  4. Let C=AB.

  5. Since x is supported on A only, hence we can write

  6. Thus from Corollary 18.1 we get (B and C are disjoint)

  7. Thus we have

  8. Using triangle inequality we can write

  9. Theorem 18.59 gives us

  10. Since B and C are disjoint, hence Theorem 18.61 gives us

  11. Since B and C are disjoint, hence

    xB2x2 and xC2x2.
  12. Finally


18.8.8. RIP and Inner Product#

Let x and x be two different vectors in CN such that their support is disjoint. i.e. if




then TT=.





Since the support of x and x are disjoint hence it is straightforward that


What can we say about the inner product of their corresponding embedded vectors Φx and Φx?

Following theorem provides an upper bound on the magnitude of the inner product when the signal vectors x,x belong to the Euclidean space RN. This result is adapted from [21].

Theorem 18.63

Assume that the sensing matrix ΦRM×N. For all x,xRN supported on disjoint subsets T,T{1,,N} with |T|<k and |T|<k, we have


where δk+k is the restricted isometry constant for the sparsity level k+k.

Proof. Let x^=xx2 and x^=xx2 be the corresponding unit norm vectors.

  1. Then

  2. Hence if we prove the bound for unit norm vectors, then it will be straightforward to prove the bound for arbitrary vectors.

  3. Let us assume without loss of generality that x,x are unit norm.

  4. We need to show that

  5. With the help of parallelogram identity (Theorem 4.93), we have

  6. Thus

  7. Now


    since x,x are orthogonal and unit norm.

  8. Using Theorem 18.48 we have

  9. Hence the maximum value of Φx±Φx22 can be 2(1+δk+k) while the minimum value of Φx±Φx22 can be 2(1δk+k).

  10. This gives us the upper bound

  11. Finally when x,x are not unit norm, the bound generalizes to


A variation of this result is presented below:

Theorem 18.64

Assume that the sensing matrix ΦRM×N. Let u,vRN be given and let


Let Φ satisfy RIP of order K with the constant δK. Then


This result is more general as it doesn’t require u,v to be supported on disjoint index sets. All it requires is them to be sufficiently sparse.

Proof. As, in the previous result, it is sufficient to prove it for the case where u2=v2=1. The simplified inequality becomes

  1. Clearly

  2. Due to RIP, we have

  3. From the parallelogram identity, we have

  4. Taking the upper bound on Φ(u+v)22 and the lower bound on Φ(uv)22 in (18.49), we obtain

  5. Simplifying, we get

  6. At the same time, taking the lower bound on Φ(u+v)22 and the upper bound on Φ(uv)22 in (18.49), we obtain

  7. Simplifying, we get

  8. Combining the two results, we obtain


For the complex case, the result can be generalized if we choose a bilinear inner product rather than the usual sesquilinear inner product.

Theorem 18.65

Let u,vCN be given and let


Let the complex space CN be equipped with the bilinear inner product


i.e. the real part of the standard inner product.

Let Φ satisfy RIP of order K with the constant δK. Then


Proof. Recall that the norm induced by the bilinear inner product u,vB is the usual 2 norm since

  1. Let us just work out the parallelogram identity for the complex case


    due to the bilinearity of the real inner product.

  2. We can see that the rest of the proof is identical to the proof of Theorem 18.64.

18.8.9. RIP and Orthogonal Projection#

The first result in this section is presented for real matrices. The generalization for complex matrices will be done later.

  1. Let Λ{1,,N} be an index set.

  2. Let ΦRM×N satisfy RIP of order K with the restricted isometry constant δK.

  3. Assume that the columns of ΦΛ are linearly independent.

  4. We can define the pseudo inverse as

  5. The orthogonal projection operator to the column space for ΦΛ is given by

  6. The orthogonal projection operator onto the orthogonal complement of C(ΦΛ) (column space of ΦΛ) is given by

  7. Both PΛ and PΛ satisfy the usual properties like P=PH and P2=P.

We further define

  1. We are orthogonalizing the columns in Φ against C(ΦΛ).

  2. In other words, keeping the component of the column which is orthogonal to the column space of ΦΛ.

  3. Obviously the columns in ΨΛ corresponding to the index set Λ would be 0.

We now present a result which shows that the matrix ΨΛ satisfies a modified version of RIP [25].

Theorem 18.66

If Φ satisfies the RIP of order K with isometry constant δK, and Λ{1,,N} with |Λ|<K, then the matrix ΨΛ satisfies the modified version of RIP as


for all xRN such that x0K|Λ| and supp(x)Λ=.

In words, if Φ satisfies RIP of order K, then ΨΛ acts as an approximate isometry on every (K|Λ|)-sparse vector supported on Λc.

Proof. From the definition of ΨΛ, we have

  1. Alternatively

  2. Since PΛ is an orthogonal projection, hence the vectors PΛΦx and ΨΛx=PΛΦx are orthogonal.

  3. Thus, we can write

  4. We need to show that Φx2ΨΛx2 or alternatively that PΛΦx2 is small under the conditions of the theorem.

  5. Since PΛΦx is orthogonal to ΨΛx, hence

  6. Since PΛ is a projection onto the C(ΦΛ) (column space of ΦΛ), there exists a vector zCN, such that PΛΦx=Φz and supp(z)Λ.

  7. Since supp(x)Λ=, hence x,z=0.

  8. We also note that x+z0=xz0K.

  9. Invoking Theorem 18.64, we have

  10. Alternatively

  11. From RIP, we have



  12. Thus

  13. This gives us

  14. Applying (18.52), we get

  15. Canceling the common term, we get

  16. Trivially, we have PΛΦx20.

  17. Applying these bounds on (18.51), we obtain

  18. Finally, using the RIP again with


    we obtain

  19. Simplifying

  20. Thus, we get the intended result in (18.50).

18.8.10. RIP for Higher Orders#

If Φ satisfies RIP of order K, does it satisfy RIP of some other order K>K? There are some results available to answer this question.

Theorem 18.67

Let c and k be integers and let Φ satisfy RIP of order 2k. Φ satisfies RIP of order ck with a restricted isometry constant


if cδ2k<1.

Note that this is only a sufficient condition. Thus if cδ2k1 we are not claiming whether Φ satisfies RIP of order ck or not.

Proof. For c=1, δkδ2k. For c=2, δ2k2δ2k. These two cases are trivial. We now consider the case for c3.

  1. Let S be an arbitrary index set of size ck. Let

  2. From Theorem 18.54, a sufficient condition for Φ to satisfy RIP of order ck is that


    for all index sets S with |S|=ck.

  3. Thus if we can show that


    we would have shown that Φ satisfies RIP of order ck.

  4. We note that ΦS is of size M×ck.

  5. Thus Δ is of size ck×ck.

  6. We partition Δ into a block matrix of size c×c


    where each entry Δij is a square matrix of size k×k.

  7. Each diagonal matrix Δii corresponds to some ΦTHΦTI where |T|=k.

  8. Thus we have (see Theorem 18.53)

  9. The off-diagonal matrices Δij are


    where P and Q are disjoint index sets with |P|=|Q|=k with |PQ|=2k.

  10. Thus from the approximate orthogonality condition (Theorem 18.61 ) we have

  11. Finally we apply Gershgorin circle theorem for block matrices (Corollary 4.29).

  12. This gives us

    |Δ2Δii2|j,jiΔij for some i{1,2,,c}.
  13. Thus we have

  14. We have shown that Δ2cδ2k<1.

  15. Thus δckΔ2.

  16. Hence Φ indeed satisfies RIP of order ck.

This theorem helps us extend RIP from an order K to higher orders. If δ2k isn’t sufficiently small, the bound isn’t useful.

18.8.11. Embeddings of Arbitrary Signals#

So far we have considered only sparse signals while analyzing the embedding properties of a RIP satisfying matrix Φ. In this subsection we wish to explore bounds on the 2 norm of an arbitrary signal when embedded by Φ. This result is adapted from [61].

Theorem 18.68

Let Φ be an an M×N matrix satisfying


Then for every signal xCN, the following holds:


We note that the theorem requires Φ to satisfy only the upper bound of RIP property (18.43). The proof is slightly involved.

Proof. We note that the bound is trivially true for x=0. Hence in the following we will consider only for x0.

  1. Consider an arbitrary index set Λ{1,2,,N} such that |Λ|K.

  2. Consider the unit ball in the Banach space 2(Λ) given by

    (18.54)#B2Λ={xCN|supp(x)=Λ and x21}

    i.e. the set of all signals whose support is Λ and whose 2 norm is less than or equal to 1.

  3. Now define a convex body

  4. We recall from Definition 9.9 that if x and y belong to S then their convex combination θx+(1θ)y with θ[0,1] must lie in S.

  5. Further it can be verified that S is a compact convex set with non-empty interior.

  6. Hence it is a convex body.

  7. Consider any xB2Λ1 and yB2Λ2.

  8. From (18.53) and (18.54) we have



  9. Now let

    z=θx+(1θ)y where θ[0,1].
  10. Then

  11. Further

  12. Similarly, it can be shown that for every vector xS we have x21 and Φx21+δK.

    1. Let xS.

    2. Then x=i=1rtixi such that xiB2Λi where |Λi|K, ti0 and ti=1.

    3. Hence xi21 for every i.

    4. Hence

    5. Similarly Φxi21+δK.

    6. Hence

  13. We now define another convex body

  14. We quickly verify the convexity property.

    1. Let x,yΓ.

    2. Let

      z=θx+(1θ)y where θ[0,1].
    3. Then

    4. Thus zΓ.

    5. This analysis shows that all convex combinations of elements in Γ belong to Γ.

    6. Thus Γ is convex.

    7. Further it can be verified that Γ is a compact convex set with non-empty interior.

    8. Hence it is a convex body.

  15. For any xCN one can find a yΓ by simply applying an appropriate nonzero scale y=cx where the scale factor c depends on x.

  16. For a moment suppose that ΓS.

  17. Then if yΓ the following are true:



  18. Now consider an arbitrary nonzero xCN.

  19. Let

  20. Define

  21. Then

  22. Thus yΓ and


    which is our intended result.

  23. Hence if we show that ΓS holds, we would have proven our theorem.

We will achieve this by showing that every vector xΓ can be shown to be a convex combination of vectors in S.

  1. We start with an arbitrary xΓ.

  2. Let I=supp(x).

  3. We partition I into disjoint sets of size K.

  4. Let there be J+1 such sets given by

  5. Let I0 index the K largest entries in x (magnitude wise).

  6. Let I1 be next K largest entries and so on.

  7. Since |I| may not be a multiple of K, hence the last index set IJ may not have K indices.

  8. We define

    xIj(i)={x(i)if iIj;0otherwise.
  9. Thus we can write

  10. Now let

    θj=xIj2 and yj=1θjxIj.
  11. We can write

  12. In this construction of x we can see that 1θ0θ1θJ0.

  13. Also yjS since yj is a unit norm K sparse vector (18.55).

  14. We will show that jθj1 in a short while.

  15. This will imply that x is a convex combination of vectors from S.

  16. But since S is convex hence xS.

  17. This will imply that ΓS.

  18. The proof will be complete.

We now show that jθj1.

  1. Pick any j{1,,J}.

  2. Since xIj is K-sparse hence due to Theorem 18.17 we have

  3. It is easy to see that Ij1 identifies exactly K nonzero entries in x and each of nonzero entries in xIj1 is larger than the largest entry in xIj (magnitude wise).

  4. Thus we have

  5. Thus

  6. Combining the two inequalities we get

  7. This lets us write



  8. Finally

  9. This gives us the inequality


    since xΓ.

  10. Recalling our steps we can express x as


    where yjS and θj1 implies that xS since S is convex.

  11. Thus ΓS.

  12. This completes the proof.

18.8.12. A General Form of RIP#

A more general restricted isometry bound can be for an arbitrary matrix Φ can be as follows


where 0<αβ<.

It is straightforward to scale Φ to match the bounds in (18.43).

Let δK=βαα+β. Then 1δK=2αα+β and 1+δK=2βα+β.

Putting in (18.43) we get


Thus by multiplying Φ with 2/(α+β) we can transform the more general bound to the form of (18.43).

18.8.13. Finding out RIP Constants#

The optimal value of RIP constant of K-th order δK can be obtained by solving the following optimization problem.

Algorithm 18.2

minimize0<δ<1δsubject to (1δ)x22Φx22(1+δ)x22xΣK.

This problem isn’t easy to solve. In fact it has been shown in [4] that this problem is NP-hard.

18.8.14. RIP and Coherence#

Here we establish a relationship between the RIP constants and coherence of a dictionary.

Rather than a general matrix Φ, we restrict our attention to a dictionary DCN×D We assume that the dictionary is overcomplete (D>N) and full rank rank(D)=N. Dictionary is assumed to satisfy RIP of some order.

Theorem 18.69 (Coherence upper bound for RIP constant)

Let D satisfy RIP of order K. Then


Proof. We recall that δK is the smallest constant δ satisfying

  1. Let Λ be any index set with |Λ|=K.

  2. Then

  3. Since D satisfies RIP of order K, hence DΛ is a subdictionary (its columns are linearly independent).

  4. Recall from Theorem 18.30 that


    holds true for every vCK.

  5. Since δK is smallest possible constant, hence
